import math
import numpy
import scipy
import scipy.special
def generateIsotropic(N):
There is no analytical solution for putting equally-spaced points on a unit sphere.
This Saff and Kuijlaars spiral algorithm gets close.
N : integer
Number of points to generate
orientations : Nx3 numpy array
Z,Y,X unit vectors of orientations for each point on sphere
For references, see:
Which in turn was based on:
Rakhmanov, Saff and Zhou: **Minimal Discrete Energy on the Sphere**, Mathematical Research Letters, Vol. 1 (1994), pp. 647-662:
Also see discussion here:
# Check that it is an integer
assert isinstance(N, int), "\n spam.orientations.generateIsotropic: Number of vectors should be an integer"
# Check value of number of vectors
assert N > 0, "\n spam.orientations.generateIsotropic: Number of vectors should be > 0"
M = int(N) * 2
s = 3.6 / math.sqrt(M)
delta_z = 2 / float(M)
z = 1 - delta_z / 2
longitude = 0
points = numpy.zeros((N, 3))
for k in range(N):
r = math.sqrt(1 - z * z)
points[k, 2] = math.cos(longitude) * r
points[k, 1] = math.sin(longitude) * r
points[k, 0] = z
z = z - delta_z
longitude = longitude + s / r
return points
def generateIcosphere(subDiv):
This function creates an unit icosphere (convex polyhedron made from triangles) starting from an icosahedron (polyhedron with 20 faces) and then making subdivision on each triangle.
The number of faces is 20*(4**subDiv).
subDiv : integer
Number of times that the initial icosahedron is divided.
Suggested value: 3
icoVerts: numberOfVerticesx3 numpy array
Coordinates of the vertices of the icosphere
icoFaces: numberOfFacesx3 numpy array
Indeces of the vertices that compose each face
icoVectors: numberOfFacesx3
Vectors normal to each face
# Chech that it is an integer
assert isinstance(subDiv, int), "\n spam.orientations.generateIcosphere: Number of subDiv should be an integer"
assert subDiv > 0, print("\n spam.orientations.generateIcosphere: Number of subDiv should be > 0")
# 1. Internal functions
middle_point_cache = {}
def vertex(x, y, z):
"""Return vertex coordinates fixed to the unit sphere"""
length = numpy.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
return [i / length for i in (x, y, z)]
def middle_point(point_1, point_2):
"""Find a middle point and project to the unit sphere"""
# We check if we have already cut this edge first
# to avoid duplicated verts
smaller_index = min(point_1, point_2)
greater_index = max(point_1, point_2)
key = "{}-{}".format(smaller_index, greater_index)
if key in middle_point_cache:
return middle_point_cache[key]
# If it's not in cache, then we can cut it
vert_1 = icoVerts[point_1]
vert_2 = icoVerts[point_2]
middle = [sum(i) / 2 for i in zip(vert_1, vert_2)]
icoVerts.append(vertex(middle[0], middle[1], middle[2]))
index = len(icoVerts) - 1
middle_point_cache[key] = index
return index
# 2. Create the initial icosahedron
# Golden ratio
PHI = (1 + numpy.sqrt(5)) / 2
icoVerts = [
vertex(-1, PHI, 0),
vertex(1, PHI, 0),
vertex(-1, -PHI, 0),
vertex(1, -PHI, 0),
vertex(0, -1, PHI),
vertex(0, 1, PHI),
vertex(0, -1, -PHI),
vertex(0, 1, -PHI),
vertex(PHI, 0, -1),
vertex(PHI, 0, 1),
vertex(-PHI, 0, -1),
vertex(-PHI, 0, 1),
icoFaces = [
# 5 faces around point 0
[0, 11, 5],
[0, 5, 1],
[0, 1, 7],
[0, 7, 10],
[0, 10, 11],
# Adjacent faces
[1, 5, 9],
[5, 11, 4],
[11, 10, 2],
[10, 7, 6],
[7, 1, 8],
# 5 faces around 3
[3, 9, 4],
[3, 4, 2],
[3, 2, 6],
[3, 6, 8],
[3, 8, 9],
# Adjacent faces
[4, 9, 5],
[2, 4, 11],
[6, 2, 10],
[8, 6, 7],
[9, 8, 1],
# 3. Work on the subdivisions
for i in range(subDiv):
faces_subDiv = []
for tri in icoFaces:
v1 = middle_point(tri[0], tri[1])
v2 = middle_point(tri[1], tri[2])
v3 = middle_point(tri[2], tri[0])
faces_subDiv.append([tri[0], v1, v3])
faces_subDiv.append([tri[1], v2, v1])
faces_subDiv.append([tri[2], v3, v2])
faces_subDiv.append([v1, v2, v3])
icoFaces = faces_subDiv
# 4. Compute the normal vector to each face
icoVectors = []
for tri in icoFaces:
# Get the points
P1 = numpy.array(icoVerts[tri[0]])
P2 = numpy.array(icoVerts[tri[1]])
P3 = numpy.array(icoVerts[tri[2]])
# Create two vector
v1 = P2 - P1
v2 = P2 - P3
v3 = numpy.cross(v1, v2)
norm = vertex(*v3)
return icoVerts, icoFaces, icoVectors
def generateVonMisesFisher(mu, kappa, N=1):
This function generates a set of N 3D unit vectors following a vonMises-Fisher distribution, centered at a mean orientation mu and with a spread K.
mu : 1x3 array of floats
Z, Y and X components of mean orientation.
Non-unit vectors are normalised.
kappa : int
Spread of the distribution, must be > 0.
Higher values of kappa mean a higher concentration along the main orientation
N : int
Number of vectors to generate
orientations : Nx3 array of floats
Z, Y and X components of each vector.
Sampling method taken from
def randUniformCircle(N):
# N number of orientations
v = numpy.random.normal(0, 1, (N, 2))
v = numpy.divide(v, numpy.linalg.norm(v, axis=1, keepdims=True))
return v
def randTmarginal(kappa, N=1):
# Start of algorithm
b = 2 / (2.0 * kappa + numpy.sqrt(4.0 * kappa**2 + 2**2))
x0 = (1.0 - b) / (1.0 + b)
c = kappa * x0 + 2 * numpy.log(1.0 - x0**2)
orientations = numpy.zeros((N, 1))
# Loop over number of orientations
for i in range(N):
# Continue unil you have an acceptable sample
while True:
# Sample Beta distribution
Z = numpy.random.beta(1, 1)
# Sample Uniform distributionNR
U = numpy.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0)
# W is essentially t
W = (1.0 - (1.0 + b) * Z) / (1.0 - (1.0 - b) * Z)
# Check whether to accept or reject
if kappa * W + 2 * numpy.log(1.0 - x0 * W) - c >= numpy.log(U):
# Accept sample
orientations[i] = W
return orientations
# Check for non-scalar value of kappa
assert numpy.isscalar(kappa), "\n spam.orientations.generateVonMisesFisher: kappa should a scalar"
assert kappa > 0, "\n spam.orientations.generateVonMisesFisher: kappa should be > 0"
assert N > 1, "\n spam.orientations.generateVonMisesFisher: The number of vectors should be > 1"
mu = numpy.reshape(mu, (1, 3))
except Exception:
print("\n spam.orientations.generateVonMisesFisher: The main orientation vector must be an array of 1x3")
# Normalize mu
mu = mu / numpy.linalg.norm(mu)
# check that N > 0!
# Array to store orientations
orientations = numpy.zeros((N, 3))
# Component in the direction of mu (Nx1)
t = randTmarginal(kappa, N)
# Component orthogonal to mu (Nx(p-1))
xi = randUniformCircle(N)
# Component in the direction of mu (Nx1).
orientations[:, [0]] = t
# Component orthogonal to mu (Nx(p-1))
Eddy = numpy.sqrt(1 - t**2)
orientations[:, 1:] = numpy.hstack((Eddy, Eddy)) * xi
# Rotation of orientations to desired mu
Olga = scipy.linalg.null_space(mu)
Roubin = numpy.concatenate((mu.T, Olga), axis=1)
orientations =, orientations.T).T
return orientations