Go to the end to download the full example code.
Project a scalar field onto an unstructured mesh#
This example shows how to generate a correlated random field project it onto an unstructured mesh
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import spam.excursions
import spam.mesh
Create the random field#
Generate a realisation of the correlated (Gaussian centered) Random Field in a cube of size 1x1x1
covarianceParameters = {
"var": 1.0,
"len_scale": 0.5,
nNodes = 100 # discretisation of the field
realisation = spam.excursions.simulateRandomField(nNodes=nNodes, covarianceParameters=covarianceParameters, dim=3)
plt.imshow(realisation[0][nNodes // 2, :, :])
plt.title("2D Slice of the field")

Generating Field_0000... 27.73 seconds
Generate a cylindrical mesh#
# Set the geometrical properties of the mesh
centre = [0.5, 0.5]
radius = 0.5
height = 1.0
lcar = 0.1 # average distance between nodes
points, connectivity = spam.mesh.createCylinder(centre, radius, height, lcar, vtkFile="cylinder")
# points, connectivity = spam.mesh.createCuboid([1, 1, 1], lcar, vtkFile="cube")
Set the geometrical properties of the mesh
field = {
"origin": [0, 0, 0],
"lengths": [1, 1, 1],
"nCells": [nNodes - 1, nNodes - 1, nNodes - 1],
"values": realisation,
thresholds = [0.2]
materials = spam.mesh.projectField(
{"points": points, "cells": connectivity},
Shift connectivity by 1 to start at 1
Returns the connectivity matrix and the material repartition
print(f"Connectivity matrix: {connectivity.shape} -> (node 1, node 2, node 3, node 4)")
print(f"Materials: {materials.shape} -> (phase number, sub volume, orientation x, orientation y, orientation z)")
Connectivity matrix: (4044, 4) -> (node 1, node 2, node 3, node 4)
Materials: (4044, 5) -> (phase number, sub volume, orientation x, orientation y, orientation z)
One can generate several fields and set them in the list
line 46. The same number of thresholds have to be set on line 48.
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 28.504 seconds)