Library of SPAM functions for dealing with labelled images
Copyright (C) 2020 SPAM Contributors
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import multiprocessing
except RuntimeError:
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
import progressbar
import scipy.ndimage
import scipy.spatial
import spam.DIC
import spam.filters
import numba
import random
from spam.label.labelToolkit import boundingBoxes as boundingBoxesCPP
from spam.label.labelToolkit import centresOfMass as centresOfMassCPP
from spam.label.labelToolkit import labelToFloat as labelToFloatCPP
from spam.label.labelToolkit import momentOfInertia as momentOfInertiaCPP
from spam.label.labelToolkit import relabel as relabelCPP
from spam.label.labelToolkit import setVoronoi as setVoronoiCPP
from spam.label.labelToolkit import tetPixelLabel as tetPixelLabelCPP
from spam.label.labelToolkit import volumes as volumesCPP
# Define a random colourmap for showing labels
# This is taken from https://gist.github.com/jgomezdans/402500
randomCmapVals = numpy.random.rand(256, 3)
randomCmapVals[0, :] = numpy.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
randomCmapVals[-1, :] = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
randomCmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(randomCmapVals)
del randomCmapVals
# If you change this, remember to change the typedef in tools/labelToolkit/labelToolkitC.hpp
labelType = "<u4"
# Global number of processes
nProcessesDefault = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
def boundingBoxes(lab):
Returns bounding boxes for labelled objects using fast C-code which runs a single time through lab
lab : 3D array of integers
Labelled volume, with lab.max() labels
boundingBoxes : lab.max()x6 array of ints
This array contains, for each label, 6 integers:
- Zmin, Zmax
- Ymin, Ymax
- Xmin, Xmax
Bounding boxes `are not slices` and so to extract the correct bounding box from a numpy array you should use:
lab[ Zmin:Zmax+1, Ymin:Ymax+1, Xmin:Xmax+1 ]
Otherwise said, the bounding box of a single-voxel object at 1,1,1 will be:
Also note: for labelled images where some labels are missing, the bounding box returned for this case will be obviously wrong: `e.g.`, Zmin = (z dimension-1) and Zmax = 0
# Catch 2D image, and pad
if lab.ndim == 2:
lab = lab[numpy.newaxis, ...]
lab = lab.astype(labelType)
boundingBoxes = numpy.zeros((lab.max() + 1, 6), dtype="<u2")
boundingBoxesCPP(lab, boundingBoxes)
return boundingBoxes
def centresOfMass(lab, boundingBoxes=None, minVol=None):
Calculates (binary) centres of mass of each label in labelled image
lab : 3D array of integers
Labelled volume, with lab.max() labels
boundingBoxes : lab.max()x6 array of ints, optional
Bounding boxes in format returned by ``boundingBoxes``.
If not defined (Default = None), it is recomputed by running ``boundingBoxes``
minVol : int, optional
The minimum volume in vx to be treated, any object below this threshold is returned as 0
centresOfMass : lab.max()x3 array of floats
This array contains, for each label, 3 floats, describing the centre of mass of each label in Z, Y, X order
if boundingBoxes is None:
boundingBoxes = spam.label.boundingBoxes(lab)
if minVol is None:
minVol = 0
# Catch 2D image, and pad
if lab.ndim == 2:
lab = lab[numpy.newaxis, ...]
lab = lab.astype(labelType)
centresOfMass = numpy.zeros((lab.max() + 1, 3), dtype="<f4")
centresOfMassCPP(lab, boundingBoxes, centresOfMass, minVol)
return centresOfMass
def volumes(lab, boundingBoxes=None):
Calculates (binary) volumes each label in labelled image, using potentially slow numpy.where
lab : 3D array of integers
Labelled volume, with lab.max() labels
boundingBoxes : lab.max()x6 array of ints, optional
Bounding boxes in format returned by ``boundingBoxes``.
If not defined (Default = None), it is recomputed by running ``boundingBoxes``
volumes : lab.max()x1 array of ints
This array contains the volume in voxels of each label
# print "label.toolkit.volumes(): Warning this is a crappy python implementation"
lab = lab.astype(labelType)
if boundingBoxes is None:
boundingBoxes = spam.label.boundingBoxes(lab)
volumes = numpy.zeros((lab.max() + 1), dtype="<u4")
volumesCPP(lab, boundingBoxes, volumes)
return volumes
def equivalentRadii(lab, boundingBoxes=None, volumes=None):
Calculates (binary) equivalent sphere radii of each label in labelled image
lab : 3D array of integers
Labelled volume, with lab.max() labels
boundingBoxes : lab.max()x6 array of ints, optional
Bounding boxes in format returned by ``boundingBoxes``.
If not defined (Default = None), it is recomputed by running ``boundingBoxes``
volumes : lab.max()x1 array of ints
Vector contining volumes, if this is passed, the others are ignored
equivRadii : lab.max()x1 array of floats
This array contains the equivalent sphere radius in pixels of each label
def vol2rad(volumes):
return ((3.0 * volumes) / (4.0 * numpy.pi)) ** (1.0 / 3.0)
# If we have volumes, just go for it
if volumes is not None:
return vol2rad(volumes)
# If we don't have bounding boxes, recalculate them
if boundingBoxes is None:
boundingBoxes = spam.label.boundingBoxes(lab)
return vol2rad(spam.label.volumes(lab, boundingBoxes=boundingBoxes))
def momentOfInertia(lab, boundingBoxes=None, minVol=None, centresOfMass=None):
Calculates (binary) moments of inertia of each label in labelled image
lab : 3D array of integers
Labelled volume, with lab.max() labels
boundingBoxes : lab.max()x6 array of ints, optional
Bounding boxes in format returned by ``boundingBoxes``.
If not defined (Default = None), it is recomputed by running ``boundingBoxes``
centresOfMass : lab.max()x3 array of floats, optional
Centres of mass in format returned by ``centresOfMass``.
If not defined (Default = None), it is recomputed by running ``centresOfMass``
minVol : int, optional
The minimum volume in vx to be treated, any object below this threshold is returned as 0
Default = default for spam.label.centresOfMass
eigenValues : lab.max()x3 array of floats
The values of the three eigenValues of the moment of inertia of each labelled shape
eigenVectors : lab.max()x9 array of floats
3 x Z,Y,X components of the three eigenValues in the order of the eigenValues
if boundingBoxes is None:
boundingBoxes = spam.label.boundingBoxes(lab)
if centresOfMass is None:
centresOfMass = spam.label.centresOfMass(lab, boundingBoxes=boundingBoxes, minVol=minVol)
lab = lab.astype(labelType)
eigenValues = numpy.zeros((lab.max() + 1, 3), dtype="<f4")
eigenVectors = numpy.zeros((lab.max() + 1, 9), dtype="<f4")
momentOfInertiaCPP(lab, boundingBoxes, centresOfMass, eigenValues, eigenVectors)
return [eigenValues, eigenVectors]
def ellipseAxes(lab, volumes=None, MOIeigenValues=None, enforceVolume=True, twoD=False):
Calculates length of half-axes a,b,c of the ellipitic fit of the particle.
These are half-axes and so are comparable to the radius -- and not the diameter -- of the particle.
See appendix of for inital work:
"Three-dimensional study on the interconnection and shape of crystals in a graphic granite by X-ray CT and image analysis.", Ikeda, S., Nakano, T., & Nakashima, Y. (2000).
lab : 3D array of integers
Labelled volume, with lab.max() labels
Note: This is not strictly necessary if volumes and MOI is given
volumes : 1D array of particle volumes (optional, default = None)
Volumes of particles (length of array = lab.max())
MOIeigenValues : lab.max()x3 array of floats, (optional, default = None)
Bounding boxes in format returned by ``boundingBoxes``.
If not defined (Default = None), it is recomputed by running ``boundingBoxes``
enforceVolume = bool (default = True)
Should a, b and c be scaled to enforce the fitted ellipse volume to be
the same as the particle?
This causes eigenValues are no longer completely consistent with fitted ellipse
twoD : bool (default = False)
Are these in fact 2D ellipses?
Not implemented!!
ABCaxes : lab.max()x3 array of floats
a, b, c lengths of particle in pixels
Our elliptic fit is not necessarily of the same volume as the original particle,
although by default we scale all axes linearly with `enforceVolumes` to enforce this condition.
Reminder: volume of an ellipse is (4/3)*pi*a*b*c
Useful check from TM: Ia = (4/15)*pi*a*b*c*(b**2+c**2)
Function contributed by Takashi Matsushima (University of Tsukuba)
# Full ref:
# @misc{ikeda2000three,
# title={Three-dimensional study on the interconnection and shape of crystals in a graphic granite by X-ray CT and image analysis},
# author={Ikeda, S and Nakano, T and Nakashima, Y},
# year={2000},
# publisher={De Gruyter}
# }
if volumes is None:
volumes = spam.label.volumes(lab)
if MOIeigenValues is None:
MOIeigenValues = spam.label.momentOfInertia(lab)[0]
ABCaxes = numpy.zeros((volumes.shape[0], 3))
Ia = MOIeigenValues[:, 0]
Ib = MOIeigenValues[:, 1]
Ic = MOIeigenValues[:, 2]
# Initial derivation -- has quite a different volume from the original particle
# Use the particle's V. This is a source of inconsistency,
# since the condition V = (4/3) * pi * a * b * c is not necessarily respected
# ABCaxes[:,2] = numpy.sqrt( numpy.multiply((5.0/(2.0*volumes.ravel())),( Ib + Ia - Ic ) ) )
# ABCaxes[:,1] = numpy.sqrt( numpy.multiply((5.0/(2.0*volumes.ravel())),( Ia + Ic - Ib ) ) )
# ABCaxes[:,0] = numpy.sqrt( numpy.multiply((5.0/(2.0*volumes.ravel())),( Ic + Ib - Ia ) ) )
mask = numpy.logical_and(Ia != 0, numpy.isfinite(Ia))
# Calculate a, b and c: TM calculation 2018-03-30
# 2018-04-30 EA and MW: swap A and C so that A is the biggest
ABCaxes[mask, 2] = ((15.0 / (8.0 * numpy.pi)) * numpy.square(Ib[mask] + Ic[mask] - Ia[mask]) / numpy.sqrt((Ia[mask] - Ib[mask] + Ic[mask]) * (Ia[mask] + Ib[mask] - Ic[mask]))) ** (1.0 / 5.0)
ABCaxes[mask, 1] = ((15.0 / (8.0 * numpy.pi)) * numpy.square(Ic[mask] + Ia[mask] - Ib[mask]) / numpy.sqrt((Ib[mask] - Ic[mask] + Ia[mask]) * (Ib[mask] + Ic[mask] - Ia[mask]))) ** (1.0 / 5.0)
ABCaxes[mask, 0] = ((15.0 / (8.0 * numpy.pi)) * numpy.square(Ia[mask] + Ib[mask] - Ic[mask]) / numpy.sqrt((Ic[mask] - Ia[mask] + Ib[mask]) * (Ic[mask] + Ia[mask] - Ib[mask]))) ** (1.0 / 5.0)
if enforceVolume:
# Compute volume of ellipse:
ellipseVol = (4.0 / 3.0) * numpy.pi * ABCaxes[:, 0] * ABCaxes[:, 1] * ABCaxes[:, 2]
# filter zeros and infs
# print volumes.shape
# print ellipseVol.shape
volRatio = (volumes[mask] / ellipseVol[mask]) ** (1.0 / 3.0)
# print volRatio
ABCaxes[mask, 0] = ABCaxes[mask, 0] * volRatio
ABCaxes[mask, 1] = ABCaxes[mask, 1] * volRatio
ABCaxes[mask, 2] = ABCaxes[mask, 2] * volRatio
return ABCaxes
def convertLabelToFloat(lab, vector):
Replaces all values of a labelled array with a given value.
Useful for visualising properties attached to labels, `e.g.`, sand grain displacements.
lab : 3D array of integers
Labelled volume, with lab.max() labels
vector : a lab.max()x1 vector with values to replace each label with
relabelled : 3D array of converted floats
lab = lab.astype(labelType)
relabelled = numpy.zeros_like(lab, dtype="<f4")
vector = vector.ravel().astype("<f4")
labelToFloatCPP(lab, vector, relabelled)
return relabelled
def makeLabelsSequential(lab):
This function fills gaps in labelled images,
by relabelling them to be sequential integers.
Don't forget to recompute all your grain properties since the label numbers will change
lab : 3D numpy array of ints ( of type spam.label.toolkit.labelType)
An array of labels with 0 as the background
lab : 3D numpy array of ints ( of type spam.label.toolkit.labelType)
An array of labels with 0 as the background
maxLabel = int(lab.max())
lab = lab.astype(labelType)
uniqueLabels = numpy.unique(lab)
# print uniqueLabels
relabelMap = numpy.zeros((maxLabel + 1), dtype=labelType)
relabelMap[uniqueLabels] = range(len(uniqueLabels))
relabelCPP(lab, relabelMap)
return lab
def getLabel(
Helper function to extract labels from a labelled image/volume.
A dictionary is returned with the a subvolume around the particle.
Passing boundingBoxes and centresOfMass is highly recommended.
labelVolume : 3D array of ints
3D Labelled volume
label : int
Label that we want information about
boundingBoxes : nLabels*2 array of ints, optional
Bounding boxes as returned by ``boundingBoxes``.
Optional but highly recommended.
If unset, bounding boxes are recalculated for every call.
centresOfMass : nLabels*3 array of floats, optional
Centres of mass as returned by ``centresOfMass``.
Optional but highly recommended.
If unset, centres of mass are recalculated for every call.
extractCube : bool, optional
Return label subvolume in the middle of a cube?
Default = False
extractCubeSize : int, optional
half-size of cube to extract.
Default = calculate minimum cube
margin : int, optional
Extract a ``margin`` pixel margin around bounding box or cube.
Default = 0
maskOtherLabels : bool, optional
In the returned subvolume, should other labels be masked?
If true, the mask is directly returned.
Default = True
labelDilate : int, optional
Number of times label should be dilated before returning it?
This can be useful for catching the outside/edge of an image.
``margin`` should at least be equal to this value.
Requires ``maskOtherLabels``.
Default = 0
labelDilateMaskOtherLabels : bool, optional
Strictly cut the other labels out of the dilated image of the requested label?
Only pertinent for positive labelDilate values.
Default = False
Dictionary containing:
subvol : 3D array of bools or ints
subvolume from labelled image
slice : tuple of 3*slices
Slice used to extract subvol for the bounding box mode
sliceCube : tuple of 3*slices
Slice used to extract subvol for the cube mode, warning,
if the label is near the edge, this is the slice up to the edge,
and so it will be smaller than the returned cube
boundingBox : 1D numpy array of 6 ints
Bounding box, including margin, in bounding box mode. Contains:
[Zmin, Zmax, Ymin, Ymax, Xmin, Xmax]
Note: uses the same convention as spam.label.boundingBoxes, so
if you want to use this to extract your subvolume, add +1 to max
boundingBoxCube : 1D numpy array of 6 ints
Bounding box, including margin, in cube mode. Contains:
[Zmin, Zmax, Ymin, Ymax, Xmin, Xmax]
Note: uses the same convention as spam.label.boundingBoxes, so
if you want to use this to extract your subvolume, add +1 to max
centreOfMassABS : 3*float
Centre of mass with respect to ``labelVolume``
centreOfMassREL : 3*float
Centre of mass with respect to ``subvol``
volumeInitial : int
Volume of label (before dilating)
volumeDilated : int
Volume of label (after dilating, if requested)
import spam.mesh
if boundingBoxes is None:
print("\tlabel.toolkit.getLabel(): Bounding boxes not passed.")
print("\tThey will be recalculated for each label, highly recommend calculating outside this function")
boundingBoxes = spam.label.boundingBoxes(labelledVolume)
if centresOfMass is None:
print("\tlabel.toolkit.getLabel(): Centres of mass not passed.")
print("\tThey will be recalculated for each label, highly recommend calculating outside this function")
centresOfMass = spam.label.centresOfMass(labelledVolume)
# Check if there is a bounding box for this label:
if label >= boundingBoxes.shape[0]:
raise "No bounding boxes for this grain"
bbo = boundingBoxes[label]
com = centresOfMass[label]
comRound = numpy.floor(centresOfMass[label])
# 1. Check if boundingBoxes are correct:
if (bbo[0] == labelledVolume.shape[0] - 1) and (bbo[1] == 0) and (bbo[2] == labelledVolume.shape[1] - 1) and (bbo[3] == 0) and (bbo[4] == labelledVolume.shape[2] - 1) and (bbo[5] == 0):
# print("\tlabel.toolkit.getLabel(): Label {} does not exist".format(label))
# Define output dictionary since we'll add different things to it
output = {}
output["centreOfMassABS"] = com
# We have a bounding box, let's extract it.
if extractCube:
# Calculate offsets between centre of mass and bounding box
offsetTop = numpy.ceil(com - bbo[0::2])
offsetBot = numpy.ceil(com - bbo[0::2])
offset = numpy.max(numpy.hstack([offsetTop, offsetBot]))
# If is none, assume closest fitting cube.
if extractCubeSize is not None:
if extractCubeSize < offset:
print("\tlabel.toolkit.getLabel(): size of desired cube is smaller than minimum to contain label. Continuing anyway.")
offset = int(extractCubeSize)
# if a margin is set, add it to offset
# if margin is not None:
offset += margin
offset = int(offset)
# we may go outside the volume. Let's check this
labSubVol = numpy.zeros(3 * [2 * offset + 1])
topOfSlice = numpy.array(
int(comRound[0] - offset),
int(comRound[1] - offset),
int(comRound[2] - offset),
botOfSlice = numpy.array(
int(comRound[0] + offset + 1),
int(comRound[1] + offset + 1),
int(comRound[2] + offset + 1),
labSubVol = spam.helpers.slicePadded(
output["sliceCube"] = (
slice(topOfSlice[0], botOfSlice[0]),
slice(topOfSlice[1], botOfSlice[1]),
slice(topOfSlice[2], botOfSlice[2]),
output["boundingBoxCube"] = numpy.array(
botOfSlice[0] - 1,
botOfSlice[1] - 1,
botOfSlice[2] - 1,
output["centreOfMassREL"] = com - topOfSlice
# We have a bounding box, let's extract it.
topOfSlice = numpy.array([int(bbo[0] - margin), int(bbo[2] - margin), int(bbo[4] - margin)])
botOfSlice = numpy.array(
int(bbo[1] + margin + 1),
int(bbo[3] + margin + 1),
int(bbo[5] + margin + 1),
labSubVol = spam.helpers.slicePadded(
output["slice"] = (
slice(topOfSlice[0], botOfSlice[0]),
slice(topOfSlice[1], botOfSlice[1]),
slice(topOfSlice[2], botOfSlice[2]),
output["boundingBox"] = numpy.array(
botOfSlice[0] - 1,
botOfSlice[1] - 1,
botOfSlice[2] - 1,
output["centreOfMassREL"] = com - topOfSlice
# Get mask for this label
maskLab = labSubVol == label
volume = numpy.sum(maskLab)
output["volumeInitial"] = volume
# if we should mask, just return the mask.
if maskOtherLabels:
# 2019-09-07 EA: changing dilation/erosion into a single pass by a spherical element, rather than repeated
# iterations of the standard.
if labelDilate > 0:
if labelDilate >= margin:
print("\tlabel.toolkit.getLabel(): labelDilate requested with a margin smaller than or equal to the number of times to dilate. I hope you know what you're doing!")
strucuringElement = spam.mesh.structuringElement(radius=labelDilate, order=2, dim=3)
maskLab = scipy.ndimage.binary_dilation(maskLab, structure=strucuringElement, iterations=1)
if labelDilateMaskOtherLabels:
# remove voxels that are neither our label nor pore
maskLab[numpy.logical_and(labSubVol != label, labSubVol != 0)] = 0
if labelDilate < 0:
strucuringElement = spam.mesh.structuringElement(radius=-1 * labelDilate, order=2, dim=3)
maskLab = scipy.ndimage.binary_erosion(maskLab, structure=strucuringElement, iterations=1)
# Just overwrite "labSubVol"
labSubVol = maskLab
# Update volume output
output["volumeDilated"] = labSubVol.sum()
output["subvol"] = labSubVol
return output
def getImagettesLabelled(
This function is responsible for extracting correlation windows ("imagettes") from two larger images (im1 and im2) with the help of a labelled im1.
This is generally to do image correlation, this function will be used for spam-ddic and pixelSearch modes.
lab1 : 3D numpy array of ints
Labelled image containing nLabels
label : int
Label of interest
Phi : 4x4 numpy array of floats
Phi matrix representing the movement of imagette1,
if not equal to `I`, imagette1 is deformed by the non-translation parts of Phi (F)
and the displacement is added to the search range (see below)
im1 : 3D numpy array
This is the large input reference image of greyvalues
im2 : 3D numpy array
This is the large input deformed image of greyvalues
searchRange : 6-component numpy array of ints
This defines where imagette2 should be extracted with respect to imagette1's position in im1.
The 6 components correspond to [ Zbot Ztop Ybot Ytop Xbot Xtop ].
If Z, Y and X values are the same, then imagette2 will be displaced and the same size as imagette1.
If 'bot' is lower than 'top', imagette2 will be larger in that dimension
boundingBoxes : nLabels*2 array of ints
Bounding boxes as returned by ``boundingBoxes``
centresOfMass : nLabels*3 array of floats
Centres of mass as returned by ``centresOfMass``
margin : int, optional
Margin around the grain to extract in pixels
Default = 0
labelDilate : int, optional
How much to dilate the label before computing the mask?
Default = 0
maskOtherLabels : bool, optional
In the returned subvolume, should other labels be masked?
If true, the mask is directly returned.
Default = True
applyF : string, optional
If a non-identity Phi is passed, should the F be applied to the returned imagette1?
Options are: 'all', 'rigid', 'no'
Default = 'all'
Note: as of January 2021, it seems to make more sense to have this as 'all' for pixelSearch, and 'no' for local DIC
volumeThreshold : int, optional
Pixel volume of labels that are discarded
Default = 100
Dictionary :
'imagette1' : 3D numpy array,
'imagette1mask': 3D numpy array of same size as imagette1 or None,
'imagette2': 3D numpy array, bigger or equal size to imagette1
'returnStatus': int,
Describes success in extracting imagette1 and imagette2.
If == 1 success, otherwise negative means failure.
'pixelSearchOffset': 3-component list of ints
Coordinates of the top of the pixelSearch range in im1, i.e., the displacement that needs to be
added to the raw pixelSearch output to make it a im1 -> im2 displacement
returnStatus = 1
imagette1 = None
imagette1mask = None
imagette2 = None
intDisplacement = numpy.round(Phi[0:3, 3]).astype(int)
PhiNoDisp = Phi.copy()
# PhiNoDisp[0:3,-1] -= intDisplacement
PhiNoDisp[0:3, -1] = numpy.zeros(3)
if applyF == "rigid":
PhiNoDisp = spam.deformation.computeRigidPhi(PhiNoDisp)
gottenLabel = spam.label.getLabel(
margin=labelDilate + margin,
# In case the label is missing or the Phi is duff
if gottenLabel is None or not numpy.all(numpy.isfinite(Phi)):
returnStatus = -7
# Maskette 1 is either a boolean array if args.MASK
# otherwise it contains ints i.e., labels
# Use new padded slicer, to remain aligned with getLabel['subvol']
# + add 1 on the "max" side for bounding box -> slice
imagette1 = spam.helpers.slicePadded(im1, gottenLabel["boundingBox"] + numpy.array([0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]))
if applyF == "all" or applyF == "rigid":
imagette1 = spam.DIC.applyPhi(imagette1, PhiNoDisp, PhiCentre=gottenLabel["centreOfMassREL"])
imagette1mask = (
gottenLabel["subvol"] > 0,
> 0
elif applyF == "no":
imagette1mask = gottenLabel["subvol"]
print("spam.label.getImagettesLabelled(): unknown option for applyF options are: ['all', 'rigid', 'no']")
maskette1vol = numpy.sum(imagette1mask)
if maskette1vol > volumeThreshold:
# 2020-09-25 OS and EA: Prepare startStop array for imagette 2 to be extracted with new
# slicePadded, this should solved "Boss: failed imDiff" and RS=-5 forever
startStopIm2 = [
int(gottenLabel["boundingBox"][0] - margin - max(labelDilate, 0) + searchRange[0] + intDisplacement[0]),
int(gottenLabel["boundingBox"][1] + margin + max(labelDilate, 0) + searchRange[1] + intDisplacement[0] + 1),
int(gottenLabel["boundingBox"][2] - margin - max(labelDilate, 0) + searchRange[2] + intDisplacement[1]),
int(gottenLabel["boundingBox"][3] + margin + max(labelDilate, 0) + searchRange[3] + intDisplacement[1] + 1),
int(gottenLabel["boundingBox"][4] - margin - max(labelDilate, 0) + searchRange[4] + intDisplacement[2]),
int(gottenLabel["boundingBox"][5] + margin + max(labelDilate, 0) + searchRange[5] + intDisplacement[2] + 1),
imagette2 = spam.helpers.slicePadded(im2, startStopIm2)
# imagette2imagette1sizeDiff = numpy.array(imagette2.shape) - numpy.array(imagette1.shape)
# If all of imagette2 is nans it fell outside im2 (or in any case it's going to be difficult to correlate)
if numpy.all(numpy.isnan(imagette2)):
returnStatus = -5
# Failed volume condition
returnStatus = -5
return {
"imagette1": imagette1,
"imagette1mask": imagette1mask,
"imagette2": imagette2,
"returnStatus": returnStatus,
"pixelSearchOffset": searchRange[0::2] - numpy.array([max(labelDilate, 0)] * 3) - margin + intDisplacement,
def labelsOnEdges(lab):
Return labels on edges of volume
lab : 3D numpy array of ints
Labelled volume
uniqueLabels : list of ints
List of labels on edges
numpy.arange(lab.max() + 1)
uniqueLabels = []
uniqueLabels.append(numpy.unique(lab[:, :, 0]))
uniqueLabels.append(numpy.unique(lab[:, :, -1]))
uniqueLabels.append(numpy.unique(lab[:, 0, :]))
uniqueLabels.append(numpy.unique(lab[:, -1, :]))
uniqueLabels.append(numpy.unique(lab[0, :, :]))
uniqueLabels.append(numpy.unique(lab[-1, :, :]))
# Flatten list of lists:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/952914/making-a-flat-list-out-of-list-of-lists-in-python?utm_medium=organic&utm_source=google_rich_qa&utm_campaign=google_rich_qa
uniqueLabels = [item for sublist in uniqueLabels for item in sublist]
# There might well be labels that appears on multiple faces of the cube, remove them
uniqueLabels = numpy.unique(numpy.array(uniqueLabels))
return uniqueLabels.astype(labelType)
def removeLabels(lab, listOfLabelsToRemove):
Resets a list of labels to zero in a labelled volume.
lab : 3D numpy array of ints
Labelled volume
listOfLabelsToRemove : list-like of ints
Labels to remove
lab : 3D numpy array of ints
Labelled volume with desired labels blanked
You might want to use `makeLabelsSequential` after using this function,
but don't forget to recompute all your grain properties since the label numbers will change
lab = lab.astype(labelType)
# define a vector with sequential ints
arrayOfLabels = numpy.arange(lab.max() + 1, dtype=labelType)
# Remove the ones that have been asked for
for label in listOfLabelsToRemove:
arrayOfLabels[label] = 0
relabelCPP(lab, arrayOfLabels)
return lab
def setVoronoi(lab, poreEDT=None, maxPoreRadius=10):
This function computes an approximate set Voronoi for a given labelled image.
This is a voronoi which does not have straight edges, and which necessarily
passes through each contact point, so it is respectful of non-spherical grains.
Schaller, F. M., Kapfer, S. C., Evans, M. E., Hoffmann, M. J., Aste, T., Saadatfar, M., ... & Schroder-Turk, G. E. (2013).
Set Voronoi diagrams of 3D assemblies of aspherical particles. Philosophical Magazine, 93(31-33), 3993-4017.
Weis, S., Schonhofer, P. W., Schaller, F. M., Schroter, M., & Schroder-Turk, G. E. (2017).
Pomelo, a tool for computing Generic Set Voronoi Diagrams of Aspherical Particles of Arbitrary Shape. In EPJ Web of Conferences (Vol. 140, p. 06007). EDP Sciences.
lab: 3D numpy array of labelTypes
Labelled image
poreEDT: 3D numpy array of floats (optional, default = None)
Euclidean distance map of the pores.
If not given, it is computed by scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt
maxPoreRadius: int (optional, default = 10)
Maximum pore radius to be considered (this threshold is for speed optimisation)
lab: 3D numpy array of labelTypes
Image labelled with set voronoi labels
if poreEDT is None:
# print( "\tlabel.toolkit.setVoronoi(): Calculating the Euclidean Distance Transform of the pore with" )
# print "\t\tscipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt, this takes a lot of memory"
poreEDT = scipy.ndimage.distance_transform_edt(lab == 0).astype("<f4")
lab = lab.astype(labelType)
labOut = numpy.zeros_like(lab)
maxPoreRadius = int(maxPoreRadius)
# Prepare sorted distances in a cube to fit a maxPoreRadius.
# This precomutation saves a lot of time
# Local grid of values, centred at zero
gridD = numpy.mgrid[
-maxPoreRadius : maxPoreRadius + 1,
-maxPoreRadius : maxPoreRadius + 1,
-maxPoreRadius : maxPoreRadius + 1,
# Compute distances from centre
Rarray = numpy.sqrt(numpy.square(gridD[0]) + numpy.square(gridD[1]) + numpy.square(gridD[2])).ravel()
sortedIndices = numpy.argsort(Rarray)
# Array to hold sorted points
coords = numpy.zeros((len(Rarray), 3), dtype="<i4")
# Fill in with Z, Y, X points in order of distance to centre
coords[:, 0] = gridD[0].ravel()[sortedIndices]
coords[:, 1] = gridD[1].ravel()[sortedIndices]
coords[:, 2] = gridD[2].ravel()[sortedIndices]
del gridD
# Now define a simple array (by building a list) that gives the linear
# entry point into coords at the nearest integer values
sortedDistances = Rarray[sortedIndices]
indices = []
n = 0
i = 0
while i <= maxPoreRadius + 1:
if sortedDistances[n] >= i:
# indices.append( [ i, n ] )
i += 1
n += 1
indices = numpy.array(indices).astype("<i4")
# Call C++ code
setVoronoiCPP(lab, poreEDT.astype("<f4"), labOut, coords, indices)
return labOut
def labelTetrahedra(dims, points, connectivity, nThreads=1):
Labels voxels corresponding to tetrahedra according to a connectivity matrix and node points
dims: tuple representing z,y,x dimensions of the desired labelled output
points: number of points x 3 array of floats
List of points that define the vertices of the tetrahedra in Z,Y,X format.
These points are referred to by line number in the connectivity array
connectivity: number of tetrahedra x 4 array of integers
Connectivity matrix between points that define tetrahedra.
Each line defines a tetrahedron whose number is the line number + 1.
Each line contains 4 integers that indicate the 4 points in the nodePos array.
nThreads: int (optional, default=1)
The number of threads used for the cpp parallelisation.
3D array of ints, shape = dims
Labelled 3D volume where voxels are numbered according to the tetrahedron number they fall inside of
# WARNING: Voxels outside of the mesh get a value of #tetrahedra + 1
assert len(dims) == 3, "spam.label.labelTetrahedra(): dim is not length 3"
assert points.shape[1] == 3, "spam.label.labelTetrahedra(): points doesn't have 3 colums"
assert connectivity.shape[1] == 4, "spam.label.labelTetrahedra(): connectivity doesn't have 4 colums"
assert points.shape[0] >= connectivity.max(), "spam.label.labelTetrahedra(): connectivity should not refer to points numbers biggest than the number of rows in points"
dims = numpy.array(dims).astype("<u2")
# WARNING: here we set the background to be number of tetra + 1
# bold choice but that's ok
lab = numpy.ones(tuple(dims), dtype=labelType) * connectivity.shape[0] + 1
connectivity = connectivity.astype("<u4")
points = points.astype("<f4")
tetPixelLabelCPP(lab, connectivity, points, nThreads)
return lab
def labelTetrahedraForScipyDelaunay(dims, delaunay):
Labels voxels corresponding to tetrahedra coming from scipy.spatial.Delaunay
Apparently the cells are not well-numbered, which causes a number of zeros
when using `labelledTetrahedra`
dims: tuple
represents z,y,x dimensions of the desired labelled output
delaunay: "delaunay" object
Object returned by scipy.spatial.Delaunay( centres )
Hint: If using label.toolkit.centresOfMass( ), do centres[1:] to remove
the position of zero.
lab: 3D array of ints, shape = dims
Labelled 3D volume where voxels are numbered according to the tetrahedron number they fall inside of
# Big matrix of points poisitions
points = numpy.zeros((dims[0] * dims[1] * dims[2], 3))
mgrid = numpy.mgrid[0 : dims[0], 0 : dims[1], 0 : dims[2]]
for i in [0, 1, 2]:
points[:, i] = mgrid[i].ravel()
del mgrid
lab = numpy.ones(tuple(dims), dtype=labelType) * delaunay.nsimplex + 1
lab = delaunay.find_simplex(points).reshape(dims)
return lab
def filterIsolatedCells(array, struct, size):
Return array with completely isolated single cells removed
array: 3-D (labelled or binary) array
Array with completely isolated single cells
struct: 3-D binary array
Structure array for generating unique regions
size: integer
Size of the isolated cells to exclude
(Number of Voxels)
filteredArray: 3-D (labelled or binary) array
Array with minimum region size > size
function from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28274091/removing-completely-isolated-cells-from-python-array
filteredArray = ((array > 0) * 1).astype("uint8")
idRegions, numIDs = scipy.ndimage.label(filteredArray, structure=struct)
idSizes = numpy.array(scipy.ndimage.sum(filteredArray, idRegions, range(numIDs + 1)))
areaMask = idSizes <= size
filteredArray[areaMask[idRegions]] = 0
filteredArray = ((filteredArray > 0) * 1).astype("uint8")
array = filteredArray * array
return array
def trueSphericity(lab, boundingBoxes=None, centresOfMass=None, gaussianFilterSigma=0.75, minVol=256):
Calculates the degree of True Sphericity (psi) for all labels, as per:
"Sphericity measures of sand grains" Rorato et al., Engineering Geology, 2019
and originlly proposed in: "Volume, shape, and roundness of rock particles", Waddell, The Journal of Geology, 1932.
True Sphericity (psi) = Surface area of equivalent sphere / Actual surface area
The actual surface area is computed by extracting each particle with getLabel, a Gaussian smooth of 0.75 is applied
and the marching cubes algorithm from skimage is used to mesh the surface and compute the surface area.
lab : 3D array of integers
Labelled volume, with lab.max() labels
boundingBoxes : lab.max()x6 array of ints, optional
Bounding boxes in format returned by ``boundingBoxes``.
If not defined (Default = None), it is recomputed by running ``boundingBoxes``
centresOfMass : lab.max()x3 array of floats, optional
Centres of mass in format returned by ``centresOfMass``.
If not defined (Default = None), it is recomputed by running ``centresOfMass``
gaussianFilterSigma : float, optional
Sigma of the Gaussian filter used to smooth the binarised shape
Default = 0.75
minVol : int, optional
The minimum volume in vx to be treated, any object below this threshold is returned as 0
Default = 256 voxels
trueSphericity : lab.max() array of floats
The values of the degree of true sphericity for each particle
Function contributed by Riccardo Rorato (UPC Barcelona)
Due to numerical errors, this value can be >1, it should be clipped at 1.0
import skimage.measure
lab = lab.astype(labelType)
if boundingBoxes is None:
boundingBoxes = spam.label.boundingBoxes(lab)
if centresOfMass is None:
centresOfMass = spam.label.centresOfMass(lab, boundingBoxes=boundingBoxes, minVol=minVol)
trueSphericity = numpy.zeros((lab.max() + 1), dtype="<f4")
sphereSurfaceArea = 4.0 * numpy.pi * (equivalentRadii(lab, boundingBoxes=boundingBoxes) ** 2)
for label in range(1, lab.max() + 1):
if not (centresOfMass[label] == numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])).all():
# Extract grain
GL = spam.label.getLabel(
# Gaussian smooth
grainCubeFiltered = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(GL["subvol"].astype("<f4"), sigma=gaussianFilterSigma)
# mesh edge
verts, faces, _, _ = skimage.measure.marching_cubes(grainCubeFiltered, level=0.5)
# compute surface
surfaceArea = skimage.measure.mesh_surface_area(verts, faces)
# compute psi
trueSphericity[label] = sphereSurfaceArea[label] / surfaceArea
return trueSphericity
def convexVolume(
This function compute the convex hull of each label of the labelled image and return a
list with the convex volume of each particle.
lab : 3D array of integers
Labelled volume, with lab.max() labels
boundingBoxes : lab.max()x6 array of ints, optional
Bounding boxes in format returned by ``boundingBoxes``.
If not defined (Default = None), it is recomputed by running ``boundingBoxes``
centresOfMass : lab.max()x3 array of floats, optional
Centres of mass in format returned by ``centresOfMass``.
If not defined (Default = None), it is recomputed by running ``centresOfMass``
volumes : lab.max()x1 array of ints
Volumes in format returned by ``volumes``
If not defined (Default = None), it is recomputed by running ``volumes``
nProcesses : integer (optional, default = nProcessesDefault)
Number of processes for multiprocessing
Default = number of CPUs in the system
verbose : boolean (optional, default = False)
True for printing the evolution of the process
False for not printing the evolution of process
convexVolume : lab.max()x1 array of floats with the convex volume.
convexVolume can only be computed for particles with volume greater than 3 voxels. If it is not the case, it will return 0.
lab = lab.astype(labelType)
# Compute boundingBoxes if needed
if boundingBoxes is None:
boundingBoxes = spam.label.boundingBoxes(lab)
# Compute centresOfMass if needed
if centresOfMass is None:
centresOfMass = spam.label.centresOfMass(lab)
# Compute volumes if needed
if volumes is None:
volumes = spam.label.volumes(lab)
# Compute number of labels
nLabels = lab.max()
# Result array
convexVolume = numpy.zeros(nLabels + 1, dtype="float")
if verbose:
widgets = [
" ",
" ",
pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=nLabels)
finishedNodes = 0
# Function for convex volume
global computeConvexVolume
def computeConvexVolume(label):
labelI = spam.label.getLabel(lab, label, boundingBoxes=boundingBoxes, centresOfMass=centresOfMass)
subvol = labelI["subvol"]
points = numpy.transpose(numpy.where(subvol))
hull = scipy.spatial.ConvexHull(points)
deln = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(points[hull.vertices])
idx = numpy.stack(numpy.indices(subvol.shape), axis=-1)
out_idx = numpy.nonzero(deln.find_simplex(idx) + 1)
hullIm = numpy.zeros(subvol.shape)
hullIm[out_idx] = 1
hullVol = spam.label.volumes(hullIm)
return label, hullVol[-1]
except Exception:
return label, 0
# Run multiprocessing
with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nProcesses) as pool:
for returns in pool.imap_unordered(computeConvexVolume, range(1, nLabels + 1)):
if verbose:
finishedNodes += 1
convexVolume[returns[0]] = returns[1]
if verbose:
return convexVolume
def moveLabels(
This function applies a discrete Phi field (from DDIC?) over a labelled image.
lab : 3D numpy array
Labelled image
PhiField : (multidimensional x 4 x 4 numpy array of floats)
Spatial field of Phis
returnStatus : lab.max()x1 array of ints, optional
Array with the return status for each label (usually returned by ``spam-ddic``)
If not defined (Default = None), all the labels will be moved
If returnStatus[i] == 2, the label will be moved, otherwise is omitted and erased from the final image
boundingBoxes : lab.max()x6 array of ints, optional
Bounding boxes in format returned by ``boundingBoxes``.
If not defined (Default = None), it is recomputed by running ``boundingBoxes``
centresOfMass : lab.max()x3 array of floats, optional
Centres of mass in format returned by ``centresOfMass``.
If not defined (Default = None), it is recomputed by running ``centresOfMass``
margin : int, optional
Margin, in pixels, to take in each label.
Default = 3
PhiCOM : bool, optional
Apply Phi to centre of mass of particle?, otherwise it will be applied in the middle of the particle\'s bounding box.
Default = True
threshold : float, optional
Threshold to keep interpolated voxels in the binary image.
Default = 0.5
labelDilate : int, optional
Number of times label should be dilated/eroded before returning it.
If ``labelDilate > 0`` a dilated label is returned, while ``labelDilate < 0`` returns an eroded label.
Default = 0
nProcesses : integer (optional, default = nProcessesDefault)
Number of processes for multiprocessing
Default = number of CPUs in the system
labOut : 3D numpy array
New labelled image with the labels moved by the deformations established by the PhiField.
# Check for boundingBoxes
if boundingBoxes is None:
boundingBoxes = spam.label.boundingBoxes(lab)
# Check for centresOfMass
if centresOfMass is None:
centresOfMass = spam.label.centresOfMass(lab)
# Create output label image
labOut = numpy.zeros_like(lab, dtype=spam.label.labelType)
# Get number of labels
numberOfLabels = min(lab.max(), PhiField.shape[0] - 1)
numberOfLabelsToMove = 0
labelsToMove = []
# Add the labels to move
for label in range(1, numberOfLabels + 1):
# Skip the particles if the returnStatus == 2 and returnStatus != None
if type(returnStatus) == numpy.ndarray and returnStatus[label] != 2:
else: # Add the particles
numberOfLabelsToMove += 1
# Function for moving labels
global funMoveLabels
def funMoveLabels(label):
getLabelReturn = spam.label.getLabel(
# Check that the label exist
if getLabelReturn is not None:
# Get Phi field
Phi = PhiField[label].copy()
# Phi will be split into a local part and a part of floored displacements
disp = numpy.floor(Phi[0:3, -1]).astype(int)
Phi[0:3, -1] -= disp
# Check that the displacement exist
if numpy.isfinite(disp).sum() == 3:
# Just move binary label
# Need to do backtracking here to avoid holes in the NN interpolation
# Here we will cheat and do order 1 and re-threshold full pixels
if PhiCOM:
labSubvolDefInterp = spam.DIC.applyPhi(
labSubvolDefInterp = spam.DIC.applyPhi(
PhiCentre=(numpy.array(getLabelReturn["subvol"].shape) - 1) / 2.0,
# "death mask"
labSubvolDefMask = labSubvolDefInterp >= threshold
del labSubvolDefInterp
# Get the boundary of the cube
topOfSlice = numpy.array(
getLabelReturn["boundingBoxCube"][0] + disp[0],
getLabelReturn["boundingBoxCube"][2] + disp[1],
getLabelReturn["boundingBoxCube"][4] + disp[2],
botOfSlice = numpy.array(
getLabelReturn["boundingBoxCube"][1] + disp[0],
getLabelReturn["boundingBoxCube"][3] + disp[1],
getLabelReturn["boundingBoxCube"][5] + disp[2],
topOfSliceCrop = numpy.array(
max(topOfSlice[0], 0),
max(topOfSlice[1], 0),
max(topOfSlice[2], 0),
botOfSliceCrop = numpy.array(
min(botOfSlice[0], lab.shape[0]),
min(botOfSlice[1], lab.shape[1]),
min(botOfSlice[2], lab.shape[2]),
# Update grainSlice with disp
grainSlice = (
slice(topOfSliceCrop[0], botOfSliceCrop[0]),
slice(topOfSliceCrop[1], botOfSliceCrop[1]),
slice(topOfSliceCrop[2], botOfSliceCrop[2]),
# Update labSubvolDefMask
labSubvolDefMaskCrop = labSubvolDefMask[
topOfSliceCrop[0] - topOfSlice[0] : labSubvolDefMask.shape[0] - 1 + botOfSliceCrop[0] - botOfSlice[0],
topOfSliceCrop[1] - topOfSlice[1] : labSubvolDefMask.shape[1] - 1 + botOfSliceCrop[1] - botOfSlice[1],
topOfSliceCrop[2] - topOfSlice[2] : labSubvolDefMask.shape[2] - 1 + botOfSliceCrop[2] - botOfSlice[2],
return label, grainSlice, labSubvolDefMaskCrop, 1
# Nan displacement, run away
return label, 0, 0, -1
# Got None from getLabel()
return label, 0, 0, -1
# Create progressbar
widgets = [
" ",
" ",
pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=numberOfLabels)
finishedNodes = 0
# Run multiprocessing
with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nProcesses) as pool:
for returns in pool.imap_unordered(funMoveLabels, labelsToMove):
finishedNodes += 1
# widgets[0] = progressbar.FormatLabel("{}/{} ".format(finishedNodes, numberOfLabels))
# Set voxels in slice to the value of the label if not in greyscale mode
if returns[0] > 0 and returns[3] == 1:
labOut[returns[1]][returns[2]] = returns[0]
# End progressbar
return labOut
def erodeLabels(lab, erosion=1, boundingBoxes=None, centresOfMass=None, nProcesses=nProcessesDefault):
This function erodes a labelled image.
lab : 3D numpy array
Labelled image
erosion : int, optional
Erosion level
boundingBoxes : lab.max()x6 array of ints, optional
Bounding boxes in format returned by ``boundingBoxes``.
If not defined (Default = None), it is recomputed by running ``boundingBoxes``
centresOfMass : lab.max()x3 array of floats, optional
Centres of mass in format returned by ``centresOfMass``.
If not defined (Default = None), it is recomputed by running ``centresOfMass``
nProcesses : integer (optional, default = nProcessesDefault)
Number of processes for multiprocessing
Default = number of CPUs in the system
erodeImage : 3D numpy array
New labelled image with the eroded labels.
The function makes use of spam.label.moveLabels() to generate the eroded image.
# Get number of labels
numberOfLabels = lab.max()
# Create the Empty Phi field
PhiField = numpy.zeros((numberOfLabels + 1, 4, 4))
# Setup Phi as the identity
for i in range(0, numberOfLabels + 1, 1):
PhiField[i] = numpy.eye(4)
# Use moveLabels
erodeImage = spam.label.moveLabels(
return erodeImage
def convexFillHoles(lab, boundingBoxes=None, centresOfMass=None):
This function fills the holes computing the convex volume around each label.
lab : 3D numpy array
Labelled image
boundingBoxes : lab.max()x6 array of ints, optional
Bounding boxes in format returned by ``boundingBoxes``.
If not defined (Default = None), it is recomputed by running ``boundingBoxes``
centresOfMass : lab.max()x3 array of floats, optional
Centres of mass in format returned by ``centresOfMass``.
If not defined (Default = None), it is recomputed by running ``centresOfMass``
labOut : 3D numpy array
New labelled image.
The function works nicely for convex particles. For non-convex particles, it will alter the shape.
# Check for boundingBoxes
if boundingBoxes is None:
boundingBoxes = spam.label.boundingBoxes(lab)
# Check for centresOfMass
if centresOfMass is None:
centresOfMass = spam.label.centresOfMass(lab)
# Create output label image
labOut = numpy.zeros_like(lab, dtype=spam.label.labelType)
# Get number of labels
numberOfLabels = lab.max()
# Create progressbar
widgets = [
" ",
" ",
pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=numberOfLabels)
for i in range(1, numberOfLabels + 1, 1):
# Get label
getLabelReturn = spam.label.getLabel(
# Get subvolume
subVol = getLabelReturn["subvol"]
# Transform to binary
subVolBinMask = (subVol > 0).astype(int)
# Mask out all the other labels
subVolBinMaskLabel = numpy.where(subVol == i, 1, 0).astype(int)
# Mask only the current label - save all the other labels
subVolMaskOtherLabel = subVolBinMask - subVolBinMaskLabel
# Fill holes with convex volume
points = numpy.transpose(numpy.where(subVolBinMaskLabel))
hull = scipy.spatial.ConvexHull(points)
deln = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(points[hull.vertices])
idx = numpy.stack(numpy.indices(subVol.shape), axis=-1)
out_idx = numpy.nonzero(deln.find_simplex(idx) + 1)
hullIm = numpy.zeros(subVol.shape)
hullIm[out_idx] = 1
hullIm = hullIm > 0
# Identify added voxels
subVolAdded = hullIm - subVolBinMaskLabel
# Identify the wrong voxels - they are inside other labels
subVolWrongAdded = subVolAdded * subVolMaskOtherLabel
# Remove wrong filling areas
subVolCorrect = (hullIm - subVolWrongAdded) > 0
# Get slice
grainSlice = (
slice(getLabelReturn["slice"][0].start, getLabelReturn["slice"][0].stop),
slice(getLabelReturn["slice"][1].start, getLabelReturn["slice"][1].stop),
slice(getLabelReturn["slice"][2].start, getLabelReturn["slice"][2].stop),
# Add it to the output file
labOut[grainSlice][subVolCorrect] = i
# Update the progressbar
widgets[0] = progressbar.FormatLabel("{}/{} ".format(i, numberOfLabels))
return labOut
def getNeighbours(
This function computes the neighbours for a list of labels.
lab : 3D numpy array
Labelled image
listOfLabels : list of ints
List of labels to which the neighbours will be computed
method : string
Method to compute the neighbours.
'getLabel' : The neighbours are the labels inside the subset obtained through spam.getLabel()
'mesh' : The neighbours are computed using a tetrahedral connectivity matrix
Default = 'getLabel'
neighboursRange : int
Parameter controlling the search range to detect neighbours for each method.
For 'getLabel', it correspond to the size of the subset. Default = meanRadii
For 'mesh', it correspond to the size of the alpha shape used for carving the mesh. Default = 5*meanDiameter.
boundingBoxes : lab.max()x6 array of ints, optional
Bounding boxes in format returned by ``boundingBoxes``.
If not defined (Default = None), it is recomputed by running ``boundingBoxes``
centresOfMass : lab.max()x3 array of floats, optional
Centres of mass in format returned by ``centresOfMass``.
If not defined (Default = None), it is recomputed by running ``centresOfMass``
neighbours : list
List with the neighbours for each label in listOfLabels.
# Create result list
neighbours = []
# Compute centreOfMass if needed
if centresOfMass is None:
centresOfMass = spam.label.centresOfMass(lab)
# Compute boundingBoxes if needed
if boundingBoxes is None:
boundingBoxes = spam.label.boundingBoxes(lab)
# Compute Radii
radii = spam.label.equivalentRadii(lab)
if method == "getLabel":
# Compute neighboursRange if needed
if neighboursRange is None:
neighboursRange = numpy.mean(radii)
# Compute for each label in the list of labels
for label in listOfLabels:
getLabelReturn = spam.label.getLabel(
# Get subvolume
subVol = getLabelReturn["subvol"]
# Get neighbours
neighboursLabel = numpy.unique(subVol)
# Remove label and 0 from the list of neighbours
neighboursLabel = neighboursLabel[~numpy.in1d(neighboursLabel, label)]
neighboursLabel = neighboursLabel[~numpy.in1d(neighboursLabel, 0)]
# Add the neighbours to the list
elif method == "mesh":
# Compute neighboursRange if needed
if neighboursRange is None:
neighboursRange = 5 * 2 * numpy.mean(radii)
# Get connectivity matrix
conn = spam.mesh.triangulate(centresOfMass, weights=radii**2, alpha=neighboursRange)
# Compute for each label in the list of labels
for label in listOfLabels:
neighboursLabel = numpy.unique(conn[numpy.where(numpy.sum(conn == label, axis=1))])
# Remove label from the list of neighbours
neighboursLabel = neighboursLabel[~numpy.in1d(neighboursLabel, label)]
# Add the neighbours to the list
print("spam.label.getNeighbours(): Wrong method, aborting")
return neighbours
def detectUnderSegmentation(lab, nProcesses=nProcessesDefault, verbose=True):
This function computes the coefficient of undersegmentation for each particle, defined as the ratio of the convex volume and the actual volume.
lab : 3D numpy array
Labelled image
nProcesses : integer (optional, default = nProcessesDefault)
Number of processes for multiprocessing
Default = number of CPUs in the system
verbose : boolean (optional, default = False)
True for printing the evolution of the process
underSegCoeff : lab.max() array of floats
An array of float values that suggests the respective labels are undersegmentated.
For perfect convex particles, any coefficient higher than 1 should be interpreted as a particle with undersegmentation problems.
However, for natural materials the threshold to define undersegmentation varies.
It is suggested to plot the histogram of the undersegmentation coefficient and select the threshold accordingly.
# Compute the volume
vol = spam.label.volumes(lab)
# Compute the convex volume
convexVol = spam.label.convexVolume(lab, verbose=verbose, nProcesses=nProcesses)
# Set the volume of the void to 0 to avoid the division by zero error
vol[0] = 1
# Compute the underSegmentation Coefficient
underSegCoeff = convexVol / vol
# Set the coefficient of the void to 0
underSegCoeff[0] = 0
return underSegCoeff
def detectOverSegmentation(lab):
This function computes the coefficient of oversegmentation for each particle, defined as the ratio between a characteristic lenght of the maximum contact area
and a characteristic length of the particle.
lab : 3D numpy array
Labelled image
overSegCoeff : lab.max() array of floats
An array of float values with the oversegmentation coefficient
sharedLabel : lab.max() array of floats
Array of floats with the the oversegmentation coefficient neighbours - label that share the maximum contact area
The threshold to define oversegmentation is dependent on each material and conditions of the test.
It is suggested to plot the histogram of the oversegmentation coefficient and select the threshold accordingly.
# Get the labels
labels = list(range(0, lab.max() + 1))
# Compute the volumes
vol = spam.label.volumes(lab)
# Compute the eq diameter
eqDiam = spam.label.equivalentRadii(lab)
# Compute the areas
contactLabels = spam.label.contactingLabels(lab, areas=True)
# Create result list
overSegCoeff = []
sharedLabel = []
for label in labels:
if label == 0:
# Check if there are contacting areas and volumes
if len(contactLabels[1][label]) > 0 and vol[label] > 0:
# We have areas on the list, compute the area
maxArea = numpy.max(contactLabels[1][label])
# Get the label for the max contacting area
maxLabel = contactLabels[0][label][numpy.argmax(contactLabels[1][label])]
# Compute the coefficient
overSegCoeff.append(maxArea * eqDiam[label] / vol[label])
# Add the label
overSegCoeff = numpy.array(overSegCoeff)
sharedLabel = numpy.array(sharedLabel)
return overSegCoeff, sharedLabel
def fixUndersegmentation(
This function fixes undersegmentation problems, by performing a watershed with a higher local threshold for the problematic labels.
lab : 3D numpy array
Labelled image
imGrey : 3D numpy array
Normalised greyscale of the labelled image, with a greyscale range between 0 and 1 and with void/solid peaks at 0.25 and 0.75, respectively.
You can use helpers.histogramTools.findHistogramPeaks and helpers.histogramTools.histogramNorm to obtain a normalized greyscale image.
targetLabels : int or a list of labels
List of target labels to solve undersegmentation
underSegCoeff : lab.max() array of floats
Undersegmentation coefficient as returned by ``detectUnderSegmentation``
boundingBoxes : lab.max()x6 array of ints, optional
Bounding boxes in format returned by ``boundingBoxes``.
If not defined (Default = None), it is recomputed by running ``boundingBoxes``
centresOfMass : lab.max()x3 array of floats, optional
Centres of mass in format returned by ``centresOfMass``.
If not defined (Default = None), it is recomputed by running ``centresOfMass``boundingBoxes : 3D numpy array
Labelled image
imShowProgress : bool, optional
Graphical interface to observe the process for each label.
Default = False
verbose : boolean (optional, default = False)
True for printing the evolution of the process
lab : 3D numpy array
Labelled image after running ``makeLabelsSequential``
# Usual checks
if boundingBoxes is None:
boundingBoxes = spam.label.boundingBoxes(lab)
if centresOfMass is None:
centresOfMass = spam.label.centresOfMass(lab)
# Check if imGrey is normalised (limits [0,1])
if imGrey.max() > 1 or imGrey.min() < 0:
print("\n spam.label.fixUndersegmentation(): imGrey is not normalised. Limits exceed [0,1]")
# Start counters
labelCounter = numpy.max(lab)
labelDummy = numpy.zeros(lab.shape)
successCounter = 0
finishedLabels = 0
if verbose:
widgets = [
" ",
" ",
pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=len(targetLabels))
# Main loop
for label in targetLabels:
# Get the subset
labelData = spam.label.getLabel(
# Get the slice on the greyscale
imGreySlice = imGrey[
labelData["sliceCube"][0].start : labelData["sliceCube"][0].stop,
labelData["sliceCube"][1].start : labelData["sliceCube"][1].stop,
labelData["sliceCube"][2].start : labelData["sliceCube"][2].stop,
# Mask the imGreySubset
greySubset = imGreySlice * labelData["subvol"]
# Create seeds
# 2021-08-02 GP: Maybe this can be changed by just a serie of binary erosion?
seeds = spam.label.watershed(greySubset >= 0.75)
# Do we have seeds?
if numpy.max(seeds) < 1:
# The threshold was too harsh on the greySubset and there are no seeds
# We shouldn't change this label
passBool = "Decline"
# We have at least one seed, Run watershed again with markers
imLabSubset = spam.label.watershed(labelData["subvol"], markers=seeds)
# Run again the underSegCoeff for the subset
res = detectUnderSegmentation(imLabSubset, verbose=False)
# Safety check - do we have any labels at all?
if len(res) > 2:
# We have at least one label
# Check if it should pass or not - is the new underSegCoeff of all the new labels less than the original coefficient?
if all(map(lambda x: x < underSegCoeff[label], res[1:])):
# We can modify this label
passBool = "Accept"
successCounter += 1
# Remove the label from the original label image
lab = spam.label.removeLabels(lab, [label])
# Assign the new labels to the grains
# Create a subset to fill with the new labels
imLabSubsetNew = numpy.zeros(imLabSubset.shape)
for newLab in numpy.unique(imLabSubset[imLabSubset != 0]):
imLabSubsetNew = numpy.where(imLabSubset == newLab, labelCounter + 1, imLabSubsetNew)
labelCounter += 1
# Create a disposable dummy sample to allocate the grains
labelDummyUnit = numpy.zeros(lab.shape)
# Alocate the grains
labelData["sliceCube"][0].start : labelData["sliceCube"][0].stop,
labelData["sliceCube"][1].start : labelData["sliceCube"][1].stop,
labelData["sliceCube"][2].start : labelData["sliceCube"][2].stop,
] = imLabSubsetNew
# Add the grains
labelDummy = labelDummy + labelDummyUnit
# We shouldn't change this label
passBool = "Decline"
if imShowProgress:
# Enter graphical mode
# Change the labels to show different colourss
fig = plt.figure()
# Plot
plt.subplot(3, 2, 1)
labelData["subvol"][labelData["subvol"].shape[0] // 2, :, :],
plt.subplot(3, 2, 2)
plt.imshow(imLabSubset[imLabSubset.shape[0] // 2, :, :], cmap="cubehelix")
plt.subplot(3, 2, 3)
labelData["subvol"][:, labelData["subvol"].shape[1] // 2, :],
plt.subplot(3, 2, 4)
plt.imshow(imLabSubset[:, imLabSubset.shape[1] // 2, :], cmap="cubehelix")
plt.subplot(3, 2, 5)
labelData["subvol"][:, :, labelData["subvol"].shape[2] // 2],
plt.subplot(3, 2, 6)
plt.imshow(imLabSubset[:, :, imLabSubset.shape[2] // 2], cmap="cubehelix")
# r"Label {}. Status: $\bf{}$".format(label, passBool), # breaks for matplotlib 3.7.0
f"Label {label}. Status: {passBool}",
# We shouldn't change this label
passBool = "Decline"
if verbose:
finishedLabels += 1
# We finish, lets add the new grains to the labelled image
lab = lab + labelDummy
# Update the labels
lab = spam.label.makeLabelsSequential(lab)
if verbose:
print(f"\n spam.label.fixUndersegmentation(): From {len(targetLabels)} target labels, {successCounter} were modified")
return lab
def fixOversegmentation(lab, targetLabels, sharedLabel, verbose=True, imShowProgress=False):
This function fixes oversegmentation problems, by merging each target label with its oversegmentation coefficient neighbour.
lab : 3D numpy array
Labelled image
targetLabels : int or a list of labels
List of target labels to solve oversegmentation
sharedLabel : lab.max() array of floats
List ofoversegmentation coefficient neighbour as returned by ``detectOverSegmentation``
imShowProgress : bool, optional
Graphical interface to observe the process for each label.
Default = False
verbose : boolean (optional, default = False)
True for printing the evolution of the process
lab : 3D numpy array
Labelled image after running ``makeLabelsSequential``
# Start counters
labelDummy = numpy.zeros(lab.shape)
finishedLabelsCounter = 0
finishedLabels = []
if verbose:
widgets = [
" ",
" ",
pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=len(targetLabels))
# Main loop
for labelA in targetLabels:
# Verify that the label is not on the finished list
if labelA in finishedLabels:
# It is already on the list, move on
# Get the touching label
labelB = sharedLabel[labelA]
# Add then to the list
# Get the subset of the two labels
subset = spam.label.fetchTwoGrains(lab, [labelA, labelB])
# Change the labelB by labelA in the subset
subVolLabNew = numpy.where(subset["subVolLab"] == labelB, labelA, subset["subVolLab"])
# Create a disposable dummy sample to allocate the grains
labelDummyUnit = numpy.zeros(lab.shape)
# Alocate the grains
subset["slice"][0].start : subset["slice"][0].stop,
subset["slice"][1].start : subset["slice"][1].stop,
subset["slice"][2].start : subset["slice"][2].stop,
] = subVolLabNew
# Add the grains
labelDummy = labelDummy + labelDummyUnit
# Remove the label from the original label image
lab = spam.label.removeLabels(lab, [labelA, labelB])
# Enter graphical mode
if imShowProgress:
# Change the labels to show different colourss
subVolLabNorm = numpy.where(subset["subVolLab"] == labelA, 1, subset["subVolLab"])
subVolLabNorm = numpy.where(subset["subVolLab"] == labelB, 2, subVolLabNorm)
fig = plt.figure()
plt.subplot(3, 2, 1)
subVolLabNorm[subset["subVolLab"].shape[0] // 2, :, :],
plt.subplot(3, 2, 2)
plt.imshow(subVolLabNew[subVolLabNew.shape[0] // 2, :, :], cmap="cubehelix")
plt.subplot(3, 2, 3)
subVolLabNorm[:, subset["subVolLab"].shape[1] // 2, :],
plt.subplot(3, 2, 4)
plt.imshow(subVolLabNew[:, subVolLabNew.shape[1] // 2, :], cmap="cubehelix")
plt.subplot(3, 2, 5)
subVolLabNorm[:, :, subset["subVolLab"].shape[2] // 2],
plt.subplot(3, 2, 6)
plt.imshow(subVolLabNew[:, :, subVolLabNew.shape[2] // 2], cmap="cubehelix")
fig.suptitle("Label {} and {}".format(labelA, labelB), fontsize="xx-large")
if verbose:
finishedLabelsCounter += 1
# We finish, lets add the new grains to the labelled image
lab = lab + labelDummy
# Update the labels
lab = spam.label.makeLabelsSequential(lab)
if verbose:
return lab
def _updateLabels(lab, newLabels):
This function uses numba to go through all the voxels of a label image and assign a new label based on the newLabels list.
lab : 3D array of integers
Labelled volume, with lab.max() labels
newLabels : 1D array of integers
Array with the order of the new labels
lab : 3D array of integers
Labelled volume, with lab.max() labels
# Loop over the image to change the values
for z in range(lab.shape[0]):
for y in range(lab.shape[1]):
for x in range(lab.shape[2]):
if lab[z,y,x] != 0:
lab[z,y,x] = newLabels[lab[z,y,x]]
return lab
def shuffleLabels(lab):
This function re-assigns randomly the labels of a label image, usually for visualisation purposes.
lab : 3D array of integers
Labelled volume, with lab.max() labels
lab : 3D array of integers
Labelled volume, with lab.max() labels
# Ge the list of labels and a copy
labels = numpy.unique(lab).tolist()
labelsList = labels.copy()
# Empty list ot fill
newLabels = []
# Loop over the labels
for i in range(len(labelsList)):
if i == 0:
# Add the 0 to the list
# Remove 0 from the list
# Generate a random number from a list length
pos = random.randrange(len(labelsList))
# Add the label to the list
# Remove 0 from the list
# Transform them into array for easier indexing
labels = numpy.asarray(labels)
newLabels = numpy.asarray(newLabels)
# Update the labels using the numba function
lab = _updateLabels(lab, newLabels)
return lab