Source code for spam.helpers.histogramTools

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy

[docs] def findHistogramPeaks(image, valley1=20000, valley2=[], phases=2, gaussianFit=False, returnSigma=False, mask=True, showGraph=False, greyRange=[0,65535], bins=256, saveFigPath=None): """ This function finds the peaks of the phases of a greylevel image (16bit or 8bit). The peaks are in greylevel units. Minimum number of Phases is 2 and Maximum is 3. Parameters ----------- image : 3D numpy array valley1 : float An initial guess (arbitrary) greylevel value between peak phase 1 and peak phase 2, where peak phase 1 < valley1 < peak phase 2. valley2 : float An initial guess (arbitrary) greylevel value between peak phase 2 and peak phase 3, where peak phase 2 < valley2 < peak phase 3. If the image has 2 phases, value 2 is []. phases : int (2 or 3) The phases that exist in the greylevel image. Easy way to determine by looking how many peaks the histogram has. gaussianFit : bool, optional Should the peaks be fitted with a Gaussian, or just the bin with the max value returned? Default = True returnSigma : bool, optional Return a list of standard deviations from the Gaussian Fit? Requires gaussianFit=True Default= False mask: bool If image is masked with mask set to 0. showGraph: bool, optional If True, showing two matplotlib graphs - one corresponding to the histogram as returned in the spam.plotting.greyLevelHistogram and one corresponding to the histogram with the peaks of the phases. Default = False greyRange : list, optional If a 16-bit greylevel image --> greyRange = [0,65535] If a 8-bit greylevel image --> greyRange = [0,255] Default = [0,65535] bins : int, optional Default = 256 saveFigPath : string, optional Path to save figure to. Default = None Returns -------- The peaks of the phases of the image. """ import scipy.optimize import spam.plotting.greyLevelHistogram def gauss(x,a,mu,sigma, offset): return a*numpy.exp(-1*(x-mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))+offset def gaussianFitFunction(x1, y1): # probably there is a smarter way to guess A instead of 1... mu1 = sum(x1 * y1) / sum(y1) sigma1 = numpy.sqrt(sum(y1 * (x1 - mu1)**2) / sum(y1)) popt1,pcov1 = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(gauss, x1, y1, p0=[max(y1),mu1, sigma1, 0],maxfev=1000) a1 = popt1[0] mu1 = popt1[1] s1 = numpy.abs(popt1[2]) offset1 = popt1[3] return a1, mu1, s1, offset1 if phases == 1 or phases>=4: print("spam.helpers.histogramTools.findHistogramPeaks: Need to give me correct number of phases, remember always 2 or 3") return if phases==3: if valley1>=valley2: print("spam.helpers.histogramTools.findHistogramPeaks: Need to give me the correct values, where always valley1 < valley2") return if mask==True: image=image.astype(float) image[image==0]=numpy.nan reshist = spam.plotting.greyLevelHistogram.plotGreyLevelHistogram(image[numpy.isfinite(image)], greyRange=greyRange, bins=bins) else: reshist = spam.plotting.greyLevelHistogram.plotGreyLevelHistogram(image, greyRange=greyRange, bins=bins) totalCounts = numpy.array(reshist[1]) totalgreylevel = numpy.array(reshist[0]) if phases==2: greyPhase1= totalgreylevel[totalgreylevel<=valley1] countsPhase1 = totalCounts[0:greyPhase1.shape[0]] peakPhase1 = greyPhase1[numpy.argmax(countsPhase1)] # peakPhase1 = greyPhase1[countsPhase1==countsPhase1.max()] greyPhase2= totalgreylevel[totalgreylevel>=valley1] countsPhase2 = totalCounts[(bins-greyPhase2.shape[0]):bins] peakPhase2 = greyPhase2[numpy.argmax(countsPhase2)] # peakPhase2 = greyPhase2[countsPhase2==countsPhase2.max()] if gaussianFit: try: #Lets try to make the fitting #Compute midpoint between two peaks midPointGrey = (greyPhase1[numpy.argmax(countsPhase1)] + greyPhase2[numpy.argmax(countsPhase2)] ) / 2 midPointArg = numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(totalgreylevel - midPointGrey)) midPointCount = totalCounts[midPointArg] #Compute index of peaks on total indexPeak1 = numpy.where(totalCounts == countsPhase1.max()) indexPeak2 = numpy.where(totalCounts == countsPhase2.max()) #Compute midpoint in Y for subsets midPointCount1 = midPointCount + 0.25*(countsPhase1.max() - midPointCount) midPointCount2 = midPointCount + 0.25*(countsPhase2.max() - midPointCount) #Get new subsets index startIndex1 = numpy.argmin(numpy.abs( totalCounts[0:indexPeak1[0][0]]- midPointCount1)) stopIndex1 = numpy.argmin(numpy.abs( totalCounts[indexPeak1[0][0]:midPointArg]- midPointCount1)) + indexPeak1[0][0] +1 startIndex2 = numpy.argmin(numpy.abs( totalCounts[midPointArg:indexPeak2[0][0]]- midPointCount2)) + midPointArg stopIndex2 = numpy.argmin(numpy.abs( totalCounts[indexPeak2[0][0]:]- midPointCount2)) + indexPeak2[0][0] +1 a1, peakPhase1, sigmaPhase1, offset1 = gaussianFitFunction(totalgreylevel[startIndex1:stopIndex1], totalCounts[startIndex1:stopIndex1]) a2, peakPhase2, sigmaPhase2, offset2 = gaussianFitFunction(totalgreylevel[startIndex2:stopIndex2], totalCounts[startIndex2:stopIndex2]) sigmas = numpy.array([sigmaPhase1,sigmaPhase2]) except: print("spam.helpers.histogramTools.findHistogramPeaks: There is not enough data to make the fitting, aborting Gaussian Fit") gaussianFit = False peakPhases = numpy.array([peakPhase1,peakPhase2]) if showGraph == True: fig = plt.figure(1) plt.plot(totalgreylevel,totalCounts,label="Histogram") plt.plot(peakPhase1,countsPhase1[countsPhase1==countsPhase1.max()],"ro",label="Peak Phase 1 @ {:5.0f}".format(float(peakPhase1))) plt.plot(peakPhase2,countsPhase2[countsPhase2==countsPhase2.max()],"yo",label="Peak Phase 2 @ {:5.0f}".format(float(peakPhase2))) plt.xlabel("Greylevel") plt.ylabel("Counts") if gaussianFit: plt.plot(totalgreylevel[startIndex1:stopIndex1], gauss(totalgreylevel[startIndex1:stopIndex1], a1, peakPhase1, sigmaPhase1, offset1), label='Fit 1') plt.plot(totalgreylevel[startIndex2:stopIndex2], gauss(totalgreylevel[startIndex2:stopIndex2], a2, peakPhase2, sigmaPhase2, offset2), label='Fit 2') plt.legend() fig.tight_layout() if saveFigPath is not None: plt.savefig(saveFigPath) else: plt.close() if phases==3: #if gaussianFit: # print("spam.helpers.findHistogramPeaks(): Three-peak fitting not yet implemented") greyPhase1= totalgreylevel[totalgreylevel<=valley1] countsPhase1 = totalCounts[0:greyPhase1.shape[0]] peakPhase1 = greyPhase1[countsPhase1==countsPhase1.max()] if gaussianFit: a1, peakPhase1, sigmaPhase1, offset1 = gaussianFitFunction(greyPhase1, countsPhase1) greyPhase3= totalgreylevel[totalgreylevel>=valley2] countsPhase3 = totalCounts[(bins-greyPhase3.shape[0]):bins] peakPhase3 = greyPhase3[countsPhase3==countsPhase3.max()] if gaussianFit: a3, peakPhase3, sigmaPhase3, offset3 = gaussianFitFunction(greyPhase3, countsPhase3) greyPhase2 = totalgreylevel[(totalgreylevel>valley1)&(totalgreylevel<valley2)] countsPhase2 = totalCounts[greyPhase1.shape[0]:(bins-greyPhase3.shape[0])] peakPhase2 = greyPhase2[countsPhase2==countsPhase2.max()] if gaussianFit: a2, peakPhase2, sigmaPhase2, offset2 = gaussianFitFunction(greyPhase2, countsPhase2) #print("spam.helpers.findHistogramPeaks: The peak of the Phase1 is at {:5.0f} of Greylevel".format(float(peakPhase1))) #print("spam.helpers.findHistogramPeaks: The peak of the Phase2 is at {:5.0f} of Greylevel".format(float(peakPhase2))) #print("spam.helpers.findHistogramPeaks: The peak of the Phase3 is at {:5.0f} of Greylevel".format(float(peakPhase3))) peakPhases = numpy.array([peakPhase1,peakPhase2,peakPhase3]) if gaussianFit: sigmas = numpy.array([sigmaPhase1,sigmaPhase2,sigmaPhase3]) if showGraph == True: fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(totalgreylevel,totalCounts,label="Histogram") plt.plot(peakPhase1,countsPhase1[countsPhase1==countsPhase1.max()],"ro",label="Peak Phase 1 @ {:5.0f}".format(float(peakPhase1))) plt.plot(peakPhase2,countsPhase2[countsPhase2==countsPhase2.max()],"yo",label="Peak Phase 2 @ {:5.0f}".format(float(peakPhase2))) plt.plot(peakPhase3,countsPhase3[countsPhase3==countsPhase3.max()],"bo",label="Peak Phase 3 @ {:5.0f}".format(float(peakPhase3))) plt.xlabel("Greylevel") plt.ylabel("Counts") if gaussianFit: plt.plot(greyPhase1, gauss(greyPhase1, a1, peakPhase1, sigmaPhase1), label='Fit 1') plt.plot(greyPhase2, gauss(greyPhase2, a2, peakPhase2, sigmaPhase2), label='Fit 2') plt.plot(greyPhase3, gauss(greyPhase3, a3, peakPhase3, sigmaPhase3), label='Fit 3') plt.legend() fig.tight_layout() if returnSigma and not gaussianFit: print("spam.helpers.histogramTools.findHistogramPeaks: cannot return sigma if fitGaussian is not activated") if returnSigma and gaussianFit: return peakPhases, sigmas else: return peakPhases
[docs] def histogramNorm(im_Or, twoPeaks, peaksNormed=[0.25, 0.75], cropGreyvalues=[-numpy.inf, numpy.inf]): """ This function normalise the histogram in order to range beween 0 and 1, presenting two peaks at p1 and p2 (p1<p2) Parameters ----------- im_Or : 3D numpy array twoPeaks : list of two floats First and second peak of the original histogram peaksNormed : list of two floats, optional The desired level for the first and second peak of the normalized histogram. Default = [0.25, 0.75] cropGreyvalues : list of two floats, optional The limits on the generated normalised values. Default = [-numpy.inf, numpy.inf] Returns -------- im_Norm : 3D numpy array. Image with grey range between [0,1] and peaks at 0.25 and 0.75 """ if len(twoPeaks) != 2: print("spam.helpers.histogramTools.histogramTools.histogramNorm: The number of peaks should be 2") return peak1 = twoPeaks[0] peak2 = twoPeaks[1] p1 = peaksNormed[0] p2 = peaksNormed[1] if p1 > p2: print("spam.helpers.histogramTools.histogramTools.histogramNorm: p1 should be less than p2") return if peak1 > peak2: print("spam.helpers.histogramTools.histogramTools.histogramNorm: peak1 should be less than peak2") return #if peaksNormed is None: # peaksNormed = [0.25, 0.75] m = (p2-p1)/(peak2 - peak1) b = p1 - m*peak1 im_Norm = m*im_Or + b im_Norm[im_Norm<cropGreyvalues[0]]=cropGreyvalues[0] im_Norm[im_Norm>cropGreyvalues[1]]=cropGreyvalues[1] return im_Norm