Source code for spam.filters.morphologicalOperations

# Library of SPAM morphological functions.
# Copyright (C) 2020 SPAM Contributors
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program.  If not, see <>.

import multiprocessing

import numpy
import spam.helpers

except RuntimeError:

import progressbar
import scipy.ndimage
import skimage.morphology
import spam.label

# operations on greyscale images

# Global number of processes
nProcessesDefault = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

[docs] def greyDilation(im, nBytes=1): """ This function applies a dilation on a grey scale image Parameters ----------- im: numpy array The input image (greyscale) nBytes: int, default=1 Number of bytes used to substitute the values on the border. Returns -------- numpy array The dilated image """ # Step 1: check type and dimension dim = len(im.shape) # Step 2: Determine substitution value sub = 2 ** (8 * nBytes) - 1 # Step 3: apply dilation # x y z outputIm = im # +0 0 0 outputIm = numpy.maximum(outputIm, spam.helpers.singleShift(im, 1, 0, sub=sub)) # +1 0 0 outputIm = numpy.maximum(outputIm, spam.helpers.singleShift(im, -1, 0, sub=sub)) # -1 0 0 outputIm = numpy.maximum(outputIm, spam.helpers.singleShift(im, 1, 1, sub=sub)) # +0 1 0 outputIm = numpy.maximum(outputIm, spam.helpers.singleShift(im, -1, 1, sub=sub)) # +0 -1 0 if dim == 3: outputIm = numpy.maximum(outputIm, spam.helpers.singleShift(im, 1, 2, sub=sub)) # 0 0 1 outputIm = numpy.maximum(outputIm, spam.helpers.singleShift(im, -1, 2, sub=sub)) # 0 0 -1 return outputIm
[docs] def greyErosion(im, nBytes=1): """ This function applies a erosion on a grey scale image Parameters ----------- im: numpy array The input image (greyscale) nBytes: int, default=1 Number of bytes used to substitute the values on the border. Returns -------- numpy array The eroded image """ # Step 1: check type and dimension dim = len(im.shape) # Step 2: Determine substitution value sub = 2 ** (8 * nBytes) - 1 # Step 1: apply erosion # x y z outputIm = im # 0 0 0 outputIm = numpy.minimum(outputIm, spam.helpers.singleShift(im, 1, 0, sub=sub)) # 1 0 0 outputIm = numpy.minimum(outputIm, spam.helpers.singleShift(im, -1, 0, sub=sub)) # -1 0 0 outputIm = numpy.minimum(outputIm, spam.helpers.singleShift(im, 1, 1, sub=sub)) # 0 1 0 outputIm = numpy.minimum(outputIm, spam.helpers.singleShift(im, -1, 1, sub=sub)) # 0 -1 0 if dim == 3: outputIm = numpy.minimum(outputIm, spam.helpers.singleShift(im, 1, 2, sub=sub)) # 0 0 1 outputIm = numpy.minimum(outputIm, spam.helpers.singleShift(im, -1, 2, sub=sub)) # 0 0 -1 return outputIm
[docs] def greyMorphologicalGradient(im, nBytes=1): """ This function applies a morphological gradient on a grey scale image Parameters ----------- im: numpy array The input image (greyscale) nBytes: int, default=1 Number of bytes used to substitute the values on the border. Returns -------- numpy array The morphologycal gradient of the image """ return greyDilation(im, nBytes=nBytes) - im
# operation on binary images
[docs] def binaryDilation(im, sub=False): """ This function applies a dilation on a binary scale image Parameters ----------- im: numpy array The input image (greyscale) sub: bool, default=False Subtitute value. Returns -------- numpy array The dilated image """ # Step 0: import as bool im = im.astype(bool) # Step 1: check type and dimension dim = len(im.shape) # Step 1: apply dilation # x y z outputIm = im # 0 0 0 outputIm = outputIm | spam.helpers.singleShift(im, 1, 0, sub=sub) # 1 0 0 outputIm = outputIm | spam.helpers.singleShift(im, -1, 0, sub=sub) # -1 0 0 outputIm = outputIm | spam.helpers.singleShift(im, 1, 1, sub=sub) # 0 1 0 outputIm = outputIm | spam.helpers.singleShift(im, -1, 1, sub=sub) # 0 -1 0 if dim == 3: outputIm = outputIm | spam.helpers.singleShift(im, 1, 2, sub=sub) # 0 0 1 outputIm = outputIm | spam.helpers.singleShift(im, -1, 2, sub=sub) # 0 0 -1 return numpy.array(outputIm).astype("<u1")
[docs] def binaryErosion(im, sub=False): """ This function applies a erosion on a binary scale image Parameters ----------- im: numpy array The input image (greyscale) sub: bool, default=False Substitute value. Returns -------- numpy array The eroded image """ # Step 1: apply erosion with dilation --> erosion = ! dilation( ! image ) return numpy.logical_not(binaryDilation(numpy.logical_not(im), sub=sub)).astype("<u1")
[docs] def binaryMorphologicalGradient(im, sub=False): """ This function applies a morphological gradient on a binary scale image Parameters ----------- im: numpy array The input image (greyscale) nBytes: int, default=False Number of bytes used to substitute the values on the border. Returns -------- numpy array The morphologycal gradient of the image """ return (numpy.logical_xor(binaryDilation(im, sub=sub), im)).astype("<u1")
[docs] def binaryGeodesicReconstruction(im, marker, dmax=None, verbose=False): """ Calculate the geodesic reconstruction of a binary image with a given marker Parameters ----------- im: numpy.array The input binary image marker: numpy.array or list If numpy array: direct input of the marker (must be the size of im) If list: description of the plans of the image considered as the marker | ``[1, 0]`` plan defined by all voxels at ``x1=0`` | ``[0, -1]`` plan defined by all voxels at ``x0=x0_max`` | ``[0, 0, 2, 5]`` plans defined by all voxels at ``x0=0`` and ``x2=5`` dmax: int, default=None The maximum geodesic distance. If None, the reconstruction is complete. verbose: bool, default=False Verbose mode Returns -------- numpy.array The reconstructed image """ from spam.errors import InputError # Step 1: Define marker if isinstance(marker, list): # marker based on list of plans if len(marker) % 2: raise InputError("marker", explanation="len(marker) must be a multiple of 2") plans = marker[:] marker = numpy.zeros(im.shape, dtype=bool) for i in range(len(plans) // 2): direction = plans[2 * i] distance = plans[2 * i + 1] if len(im.shape) == 2: if direction == 0: marker[distance, :] = im[distance, :] elif direction == 1: marker[:, distance] = im[:, distance] else: raise InputError("marker", explanation=f"Wrong marker plan direction {direction}") elif len(im.shape) == 3: if direction == 0: marker[distance, :, :] = im[distance, :, :] elif direction == 1: marker[:, distance, :] = im[:, distance, :] elif direction == 2: marker[:, :, distance] = im[:, :, distance] else: raise InputError("marker", explanation=f"Wrong marker plan direction {direction}") else: raise InputError("marker", explanation=f"Image dimension should be 2 or 3, not {len(im.shape)}") if verbose: print(f"binaryGeodesicReconstruction: marker -> set plan in direction {direction} at distance {distance}") elif isinstance(marker, numpy.ndarray): # direct input of the marker if im.shape != marker.shape: raise InputError("marker", explanation="im and marker must have same shape") else: raise InputError("marker", explanation="must be a numpy array or a list") # Step 2: first dilation and intersection r1 = binaryDilation(marker) & im r2 = r1 r1 = binaryDilation(r2) & im d = 1 dmax = numpy.inf if dmax is None else dmax if verbose: print(f"binaryGeodesicReconstruction: geodesic distance = {d} (sum = {r1.sum()} & {r2.sum()})") # binary dilation until: # geodesic distance reach dmax # reconstuction complete while not numpy.array_equal(r1, r2) and d < dmax: r2 = r1 r1 = binaryDilation(r2) & im d += 1 if verbose: print(f"binaryGeodesicReconstruction: geodesic distance = {d} (sum = {r1.sum()} & {r2.sum()})") return r1 # send the reconstructed image
[docs] def directionalErosion(bwIm, vect, a, c, nProcesses=nProcessesDefault, verbose=False): """ This functions performs direction erosion over the binarized image using an ellipsoidal structuring element over a range of directions. It is highly recommended that the structuring element is slightly smaller than the expected particle (50% smaller in each axis is a fair guess) Parameters ----------- bwIm : 3D numpy array Binarized image to perform the erosion vect : list of n elements, each element correspond to a 1X3 array of floats List of directional vectors for the structuring element a : int or float Length of the secondary semi-axis of the structuring element in px c : int or float Lenght of the principal semi-axis of the structuring element in px nProcesses : integer (optional, default = nProcessesDefault) Number of processes for multiprocessing Default = number of CPUs in the system verbose : boolean, optional (Default = False) True for printing the evolution of the process False for not printing the evolution of process Returns -------- imEroded : 3D boolean array Booean array with the result of the erosion Note ----- Taken from """ # Check if the directional vector input is a list if isinstance(vect, list) is False: print("spam.contacts.directionalErosion: The directional vector must be a list") return numberOfJobs = len(vect) imEroded = numpy.zeros(bwIm.shape) # Function for directionalErosion global funDirectionalErosion def funDirectionalErosion(job): maxDim = numpy.max([a, c]) spheroid = spam.kalisphera.makeBlurryNoisySpheroid( [maxDim, maxDim, maxDim], [numpy.floor(maxDim / 2), numpy.floor(maxDim / 2), numpy.floor(maxDim / 2)], [a, c], vect[job], background=0, foreground=1 ) imEroded_i = scipy.ndimage.binary_erosion(bwIm, structure=spheroid) return imEroded_i if verbose: widgets = [progressbar.FormatLabel(""), " ", progressbar.Bar(), " ", progressbar.AdaptiveETA()] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=numberOfJobs) pbar.start() finishedNodes = 0 # Run multiprocessing with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nProcesses) as pool: for returns in pool.imap_unordered(funDirectionalErosion, range(0, numberOfJobs)): if verbose: finishedNodes += 1 widgets[0] = progressbar.FormatLabel("{}/{} ".format(finishedNodes, numberOfJobs)) pbar.update(finishedNodes) imEroded = imEroded + returns pool.close() pool.join() if verbose: pbar.finish() return imEroded
[docs] def morphologicalReconstruction(im, selem=skimage.morphology.ball(1)): """ This functions performs a morphological reconstruction (greyscale opening followed by greyscale closing). The ouput image presents less variability in the greyvalues inside each phase, without modifying the original shape of the objects of the image. - Parameters ----------- im : 3D numpy array Greyscale image to perform the reconstuction selem : structuring element, optional Structuring element Default = None Returns -------- imReconstructed : 3D boolean array Greyscale image after the reconstuction """ # Perform the opening imOpen = scipy.ndimage.grey_opening(im, footprint=selem) # Perform the closing imReconstructed = (scipy.ndimage.grey_closing(imOpen, footprint=selem)).astype(numpy.float32) return imReconstructed