# Library of SPAM functions for dealing with fields of Phi or fields of F
# Copyright (C) 2020 SPAM Contributors
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import multiprocessing
except RuntimeError:
import numpy
import progressbar
# 2020-02-24 Olga Stamati and Edward Ando
import spam.deformation
import spam.label
# Global number of processes
nProcessesDefault = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
def FfieldRegularQ8(displacementField, nodeSpacing, nProcesses=nProcessesDefault, verbose=False):
This function computes the transformation gradient field F from a given displacement field.
Please note: the transformation gradient tensor: F = I + du/dx.
This function computes du/dx in the centre of an 8-node cell (Q8 in Finite Elements terminology) using order one (linear) shape functions.
displacementField : 4D array of floats
The vector field to compute the derivatives.
#Its shape is (nz, ny, nx, 3)
nodeSpacing : 3-component list of floats
Length between two nodes in every direction (*i.e.,* size of a cell)
nProcesses : integer, optional
Number of processes for multiprocessing
Default = number of CPUs in the system
verbose : boolean, optional
Print progress?
Default = True
F : (nz-1) x (ny-1) x (nx-1) x 3x3 array of n cells
The field of the transformation gradient tensors
# import spam.DIC.deformationFunction
# import spam.mesh.strain
# Define dimensions
dims = list(displacementField.shape[0:3])
# Q8 has 1 element fewer than the number of displacement points
cellDims = [n - 1 for n in dims]
# Check if a 2D field is passed
if dims[0] == 1:
# Add a ficticious layer of nodes and cells in Z direction
dims[0] += 1
cellDims[0] += 1
nodeSpacing[0] += 1
# Add a ficticious layer of equal displacements so that the strain in z is null
displacementField = numpy.concatenate((displacementField, displacementField))
numberOfCells = cellDims[0] * cellDims[1] * cellDims[2]
dims = tuple(dims)
cellDims = tuple(cellDims)
# Transformation gradient tensor F = du/dx +I
Ffield = numpy.zeros((cellDims[0], cellDims[1], cellDims[2], 3, 3))
FfieldFlat = Ffield.reshape((numberOfCells, 3, 3))
# Define the coordinates of the Parent Element
# we're using isoparametric Q8 elements
lid = numpy.zeros((8, 3)).astype("<u1") # local index
lid[0] = [0, 0, 0]
lid[1] = [0, 0, 1]
lid[2] = [0, 1, 0]
lid[3] = [0, 1, 1]
lid[4] = [1, 0, 0]
lid[5] = [1, 0, 1]
lid[6] = [1, 1, 0]
lid[7] = [1, 1, 1]
# Calculate the derivatives of the shape functions
# Since the center is equidistant from all 8 nodes, each one gets equal weighting
SFderivative = numpy.zeros((8, 3))
for node in range(8):
# (local nodes coordinates) / weighting of each node
SFderivative[node, 0] = (2.0 * (float(lid[node, 0]) - 0.5)) / 8.0
SFderivative[node, 1] = (2.0 * (float(lid[node, 1]) - 0.5)) / 8.0
SFderivative[node, 2] = (2.0 * (float(lid[node, 2]) - 0.5)) / 8.0
# Compute the jacobian to go from local(Parent Element) to global base
jacZ = 2.0 / float(nodeSpacing[0])
jacY = 2.0 / float(nodeSpacing[1])
jacX = 2.0 / float(nodeSpacing[2])
if verbose:
pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=numberOfCells).start()
finishedCells = 0
# Loop over the cells
global computeOneQ8
def computeOneQ8(cell):
zCell, yCell, xCell = numpy.unravel_index(cell, cellDims)
# Check for nans in one of the 8 nodes of the cell
if not numpy.all(numpy.isfinite(displacementField[zCell : zCell + 2, yCell : yCell + 2, xCell : xCell + 2])):
F = numpy.zeros((3, 3)) * numpy.nan
# If no nans start the strain calculation
# Initialise the gradient of the displacement tensor
dudx = numpy.zeros((3, 3))
# Loop over each node of the cell
for node in range(8):
# Get the displacement value
d = displacementField[
int(zCell + lid[node, 0]),
int(yCell + lid[node, 1]),
int(xCell + lid[node, 2]),
# Compute the influence of each node to the displacement gradient tensor
dudx[0, 0] += jacZ * SFderivative[node, 0] * d[0]
dudx[1, 1] += jacY * SFderivative[node, 1] * d[1]
dudx[2, 2] += jacX * SFderivative[node, 2] * d[2]
dudx[1, 0] += jacY * SFderivative[node, 1] * d[0]
dudx[0, 1] += jacZ * SFderivative[node, 0] * d[1]
dudx[2, 1] += jacX * SFderivative[node, 2] * d[1]
dudx[1, 2] += jacY * SFderivative[node, 1] * d[2]
dudx[2, 0] += jacX * SFderivative[node, 2] * d[0]
dudx[0, 2] += jacZ * SFderivative[node, 0] * d[2]
# Adding a transpose to dudx, it's ugly but allows us to pass #142
F = numpy.eye(3) + dudx.T
return cell, F
# Run multiprocessing
with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nProcesses) as pool:
for returns in pool.imap_unordered(computeOneQ8, range(numberOfCells)):
if verbose:
finishedCells += 1
FfieldFlat[returns[0]] = returns[1]
if verbose:
return Ffield
def FfieldRegularGeers(
This function computes the transformation gradient field F from a given displacement field.
Please note: the transformation gradient tensor: F = I + du/dx.
This function computes du/dx as a weighted function of neighbouring points.
Here is implemented the linear model proposed in:
"Computing strain fields from discrete displacement fields in 2D-solids", Geers et al., 1996
displacementField : 4D array of floats
The vector field to compute the derivatives.
Its shape is (nz, ny, nx, 3).
nodeSpacing : 3-component list of floats
Length between two nodes in every direction (*i.e.,* size of a cell)
neighbourRadius : float, optional
Distance in nodeSpacings to include neighbours in the strain calcuation.
Default = 1.5*nodeSpacing which will give radius = 1.5*min(nodeSpacing)
mask : bool, optional
Avoid non-correlated NaN points in the displacement field?
Default = True
nProcesses : integer, optional
Number of processes for multiprocessing
Default = number of CPUs in the system
verbose : boolean, optional
Print progress?
Default = True
Ffield: nz x ny x nx x 3x3 array of n cells
The field of the transformation gradient tensors
Taken from the implementation in "TomoWarp2: A local digital volume correlation code", Tudisco et al., 2017
import scipy.spatial
# Define dimensions
dims = displacementField.shape[0:3]
nNodes = dims[0] * dims[1] * dims[2]
displacementFieldFlat = displacementField.reshape(nNodes, 3)
# Check if a 2D field is passed
twoD = False
if dims[0] == 1:
twoD = True
# Deformation gradient tensor F = du/dx +I
# Ffield = numpy.zeros((dims[0], dims[1], dims[2], 3, 3))
FfieldFlat = numpy.zeros((nNodes, 3, 3))
if twoD:
fieldCoordsFlat = (
nodeSpacing[1] : dims[1] * nodeSpacing[1] + nodeSpacing[1] : nodeSpacing[1],
nodeSpacing[2] : dims[2] * nodeSpacing[2] + nodeSpacing[2] : nodeSpacing[2],
.reshape(3, nNodes)
fieldCoordsFlat = (
nodeSpacing[0] : dims[0] * nodeSpacing[0] + nodeSpacing[0] : nodeSpacing[0],
nodeSpacing[1] : dims[1] * nodeSpacing[1] + nodeSpacing[1] : nodeSpacing[1],
nodeSpacing[2] : dims[2] * nodeSpacing[2] + nodeSpacing[2] : nodeSpacing[2],
.reshape(3, nNodes)
# Get non-nan displacements
goodPointsMask = numpy.isfinite(displacementField[:, :, :, 0].reshape(nNodes))
badPointsMask = numpy.isnan(displacementField[:, :, :, 0].reshape(nNodes))
# Flattened variables
fieldCoordsFlatGood = fieldCoordsFlat[goodPointsMask]
displacementFieldFlatGood = displacementFieldFlat[goodPointsMask]
# set bad points to nan
FfieldFlat[badPointsMask] = numpy.eye(3) * numpy.nan
# build KD-tree for neighbour identification
treeCoord = scipy.spatial.KDTree(fieldCoordsFlatGood)
# Output array for good points
FfieldFlatGood = numpy.zeros_like(FfieldFlat[goodPointsMask])
# Function for parallel mode
global geersOnePoint
def geersOnePoint(goodPoint):
# This is for the linear model, equation 15 in Geers
centralNodePosition = fieldCoordsFlatGood[goodPoint]
centralNodeDisplacement = displacementFieldFlatGood[goodPoint]
sX0X0 = numpy.zeros((3, 3))
sX0Xt = numpy.zeros((3, 3))
m0 = numpy.zeros(3)
mt = numpy.zeros(3)
# Option 2: KDTree on distance
# KD-tree will always give the current point as zero-distance
ind = treeCoord.query_ball_point(centralNodePosition, neighbourRadius * max(nodeSpacing))
# We know that the current point will also be included, so remove it from the index list.
ind = numpy.array(ind)
ind = ind[ind != goodPoint]
nNeighbours = len(ind)
nodalRelativePositionsRef = numpy.zeros((nNeighbours, 3)) # Delta_X_0 in paper
nodalRelativePositionsDef = numpy.zeros((nNeighbours, 3)) # Delta_X_t in paper
for neighbour, i in enumerate(ind):
# Relative position in reference configuration
# absolute position of this neighbour node
# minus abs position of central node
nodalRelativePositionsRef[neighbour, :] = fieldCoordsFlatGood[i] - centralNodePosition
# Relative position in deformed configuration (i.e., plus displacements)
# absolute position of this neighbour node
# plus displacement of this neighbour node
# minus abs position of central node
# minus displacement of central node
nodalRelativePositionsDef[neighbour, :] = fieldCoordsFlatGood[i] + displacementFieldFlatGood[i] - centralNodePosition - centralNodeDisplacement
for u in range(3):
for v in range(3):
# sX0X0[u, v] += nodalRelativePositionsRef[neighbour, u] * nodalRelativePositionsRef[neighbour, v]
# sX0Xt[u, v] += nodalRelativePositionsRef[neighbour, u] * nodalRelativePositionsDef[neighbour, v]
# Proposed solution for #142 for direction of rotation
sX0X0[v, u] += nodalRelativePositionsRef[neighbour, u] * nodalRelativePositionsRef[neighbour, v]
sX0Xt[v, u] += nodalRelativePositionsRef[neighbour, u] * nodalRelativePositionsDef[neighbour, v]
m0 += nodalRelativePositionsRef[neighbour, :]
mt += nodalRelativePositionsDef[neighbour, :]
sX0X0 = nNeighbours * sX0X0
sX0Xt = nNeighbours * sX0Xt
A = sX0X0 - numpy.dot(m0, m0)
C = sX0Xt - numpy.dot(m0, mt)
F = numpy.zeros((3, 3))
if twoD:
A = A[1:, 1:]
C = C[1:, 1:]
F[1:, 1:] = numpy.dot(numpy.linalg.inv(A), C)
F[0, 0] = 1.0
except numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
# print("spam.deformation.deformationField.FfieldRegularGeers(): LinAlgError: A", A)
F = numpy.dot(numpy.linalg.inv(A), C)
except numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
# print("spam.deformation.deformationField.FfieldRegularGeers(): LinAlgError: A", A)
return goodPoint, F
# Iterate through flat field of Fs
if verbose:
pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=fieldCoordsFlatGood.shape[0]).start()
finishedPoints = 0
# Run multiprocessing filling in FfieldFlatGood, which will then update FfieldFlat
with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nProcesses) as pool:
for returns in pool.imap_unordered(geersOnePoint, range(fieldCoordsFlatGood.shape[0])):
if verbose:
finishedPoints += 1
FfieldFlatGood[returns[0]] = returns[1]
if verbose:
FfieldFlat[goodPointsMask] = FfieldFlatGood
return FfieldFlat.reshape(dims[0], dims[1], dims[2], 3, 3)
def FfieldBagi(points, connectivity, displacements, nProcesses=nProcessesDefault, verbose=False):
Calculates transformation gradient function using Bagi's 1996 paper, especially equation 3 on page 174.
Required inputs are connectivity matrix for tetrahedra (for example from spam.mesh.triangulate) and
nodal positions in reference and deformed configurations.
points : m x 3 numpy array
M Particles' points in reference configuration
connectivity : n x 4 numpy array
Delaunay triangulation connectivity generated by spam.mesh.triangulate for example
displacements : m x 3 numpy array
M Particles' displacement
nProcesses : integer, optional
Number of processes for multiprocessing
Default = number of CPUs in the system
verbose : boolean, optional
Print progress?
Default = True
Ffield: nx3x3 array of n cells
The field of the transformation gradient tensors
import spam.mesh
Ffield = numpy.zeros([connectivity.shape[0], 3, 3], dtype="<f4")
connectivity = connectivity.astype(numpy.uint)
# define dimension
# D = 3.0
# Import modules
# Construct 4-list of 3-lists of combinations constituting a face of the tet
combs = [[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 0], [0, 1, 3]]
unode = [3, 0, 1, 2]
# Precompute tetrahedron Volumes
tetVolumes = spam.mesh.tetVolumes(points, connectivity)
# Initialize arrays for tet strains
# print("spam.mesh.bagiStrain(): Constructing strain from Delaunay and Displacements")
# Loop through tetrahdra to get avec1, uPos1
global computeOneTet
def computeOneTet(tet):
# Get the list of IDs, centroids, center of tet
tetIDs = connectivity[tet, :]
# 2019-10-07 EA: Skip references to missing particles
# if max(tetIDs) >= points.shape[0]:
# print("spam.mesh.unstructured.bagiStrain(): this tet has node > points.shape[0], skipping")
# pass
# else:
if True:
tetCoords = points[tetIDs, :]
tetDisp = displacements[tetIDs, :]
tetCen = numpy.average(tetCoords, axis=0)
if numpy.isfinite(tetCoords).sum() + numpy.isfinite(tetDisp).sum() != 3 * 4 * 2:
if verbose:
print("spam.mesh.unstructured.bagiStrain(): nans in position or displacement, skipping")
# Compute strains
F = numpy.zeros((3, 3)) * numpy.nan
# Loop through each face of tet to get avec, upos (Bagi, 1996, pg. 172)
# aVec1 = numpy.zeros([4, 3], dtype='<f4')
# uPos1 = numpy.zeros([4, 3], dtype='<f4')
# uPos2 = numpy.zeros([4, 3], dtype='<f4')
dudx = numpy.zeros((3, 3), dtype="<f4")
for face in range(4):
faceNorm = numpy.cross(
tetCoords[combs[face][0]] - tetCoords[combs[face][1]],
tetCoords[combs[face][0]] - tetCoords[combs[face][2]],
# Get a norm vector to face point towards center of tet
faceCen = numpy.average(tetCoords[combs[face]], axis=0)
tmpnorm = faceNorm / (numpy.linalg.norm(faceNorm))
facetocen = tetCen - faceCen
if numpy.dot(facetocen, tmpnorm) < 0:
tmpnorm = -tmpnorm
# Divide by 6 (1/3 for 1/Dimension; 1/2 for area from cross product)
# See first eqn., Bagi, 1996, pg. 172.
# aVec1[face] = tmpnorm*numpy.linalg.norm(faceNorm)/6
# Undeformed positions
# uPos1[face] = tetCoords[unode[face]]
# Deformed positions
# uPos2[face] = tetComs2[unode[face]]
dudx += numpy.tensordot(
tmpnorm * numpy.linalg.norm(faceNorm) / 6,
dudx /= float(tetVolumes[tet])
F = numpy.eye(3) + dudx
return tet, F
# Iterate through flat field of Fs
if verbose:
pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=connectivity.shape[0]).start()
finishedTets = 0
# Run multiprocessing
with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nProcesses) as pool:
for returns in pool.imap_unordered(computeOneTet, range(connectivity.shape[0])):
if verbose:
finishedTets += 1
Ffield[returns[0]] = returns[1]
if verbose:
return Ffield
def decomposeFfield(Ffield, components, twoD=False, nProcesses=nProcessesDefault, verbose=False):
This function takes in an F field (from either FfieldRegularQ8, FfieldRegularGeers, FfieldBagi) and
returns fields of desired transformation components.
Ffield : multidimensional x 3 x 3 numpy array of floats
Spatial field of Fs
components : list of strings
These indicate the desired components consistent with spam.deformation.decomposeF or decomposePhi
twoD : bool, optional
Is the Ffield in 2D? This changes the strain calculation.
Default = False
nProcesses : integer, optional
Number of processes for multiprocessing
Default = number of CPUs in the system
verbose : boolean, optional
Print progress?
Default = True
Dictionary containing appropriately reshaped fields of the transformation components requested.
vol, dev, volss, devss are scalars
r and z are 3-component vectors
e and U are 3x3 tensors
# The last two are for the 3x3 F field
fieldDimensions = Ffield.shape[0:-2]
fieldRavelLength = numpy.prod(numpy.array(fieldDimensions))
FfieldFlat = Ffield.reshape(fieldRavelLength, 3, 3)
output = {}
for component in components:
if component == "vol" or component == "dev" or component == "volss" or component == "devss":
output[component] = numpy.zeros(fieldRavelLength)
if component == "r" or component == "z":
output[component] = numpy.zeros((fieldRavelLength, 3))
if component == "U" or component == "e":
output[component] = numpy.zeros((fieldRavelLength, 3, 3))
# Function for parallel mode
global decomposeOneF
def decomposeOneF(n):
F = FfieldFlat[n]
if numpy.isfinite(F).sum() == 9:
decomposedF = spam.deformation.decomposeF(F, twoD=twoD)
return n, decomposedF
return n, {
"r": numpy.array([numpy.nan] * 3),
"z": numpy.array([numpy.nan] * 3),
"U": numpy.eye(3) * numpy.nan,
"e": numpy.eye(3) * numpy.nan,
"vol": numpy.nan,
"dev": numpy.nan,
"volss": numpy.nan,
"devss": numpy.nan,
# Iterate through flat field of Fs
if verbose:
pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=fieldRavelLength).start()
finishedPoints = 0
# Run multiprocessing
with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nProcesses) as pool:
for returns in pool.imap_unordered(decomposeOneF, range(fieldRavelLength)):
if verbose:
finishedPoints += 1
for component in components:
output[component][returns[0]] = returns[1][component]
if verbose:
# Reshape on the output
for component in components:
if component == "vol" or component == "dev" or component == "volss" or component == "devss":
output[component] = numpy.array(output[component]).reshape(fieldDimensions)
if component == "r" or component == "z":
output[component] = numpy.array(output[component]).reshape(Ffield.shape[0:-1])
if component == "U" or component == "e":
output[component] = numpy.array(output[component]).reshape(Ffield.shape)
return output
def decomposePhiField(PhiField, components, twoD=False, nProcesses=nProcessesDefault, verbose=False):
This function takes in a Phi field (from readCorrelationTSV?) and
returns fields of desired transformation components.
PhiField : multidimensional x 4 x 4 numpy array of floats
Spatial field of Phis
components : list of strings
These indicate the desired components consistent with spam.deformation.decomposePhi
twoD : bool, optional
Is the PhiField in 2D? This changes the strain calculation.
Default = False
nProcesses : integer, optional
Number of processes for multiprocessing
Default = number of CPUs in the system
verbose : boolean, optional
Print progress?
Default = True
Dictionary containing appropriately reshaped fields of the transformation components requested.
vol, dev, volss, devss are scalars
t, r, and z are 3-component vectors
e and U are 3x3 tensors
# The last two are for the 4x4 Phi field
fieldDimensions = PhiField.shape[0:-2]
fieldRavelLength = numpy.prod(numpy.array(fieldDimensions))
PhiFieldFlat = PhiField.reshape(fieldRavelLength, 4, 4)
output = {}
for component in components:
if component == "vol" or component == "dev" or component == "volss" or component == "devss":
output[component] = numpy.zeros(fieldRavelLength)
if component == "t" or component == "r" or component == "z":
output[component] = numpy.zeros((fieldRavelLength, 3))
if component == "U" or component == "e":
output[component] = numpy.zeros((fieldRavelLength, 3, 3))
# Function for parallel mode
global decomposeOnePhi
def decomposeOnePhi(n):
Phi = PhiFieldFlat[n]
if numpy.isfinite(Phi).sum() == 16:
decomposedPhi = spam.deformation.decomposePhi(Phi, twoD=twoD)
return n, decomposedPhi
return n, {
"t": numpy.array([numpy.nan] * 3),
"r": numpy.array([numpy.nan] * 3),
"z": numpy.array([numpy.nan] * 3),
"U": numpy.eye(3) * numpy.nan,
"e": numpy.eye(3) * numpy.nan,
"vol": numpy.nan,
"dev": numpy.nan,
"volss": numpy.nan,
"devss": numpy.nan,
# Iterate through flat field of Fs
if verbose:
pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=fieldRavelLength).start()
finishedPoints = 0
# Run multiprocessing
with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nProcesses) as pool:
for returns in pool.imap_unordered(decomposeOnePhi, range(fieldRavelLength)):
if verbose:
finishedPoints += 1
for component in components:
output[component][returns[0]] = returns[1][component]
if verbose:
# Reshape on the output
for component in components:
if component == "vol" or component == "dev" or component == "volss" or component == "devss":
output[component] = numpy.array(output[component]).reshape(*PhiField.shape[0:-2])
if component == "t" or component == "r" or component == "z":
output[component] = numpy.array(output[component]).reshape(*PhiField.shape[0:-2], 3)
if component == "U" or component == "e":
output[component] = numpy.array(output[component]).reshape(*PhiField.shape[0:-2], 3, 3)
return output