# Library of SPAM functions for deforming images.
# Copyright (C) 2020 SPAM Contributors
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import multiprocessing
except RuntimeError:
import numpy
import scipy.ndimage
from spam.DIC.DICToolkit import applyMeshTransformation as applyMeshTransformationCPP
from spam.DIC.DICToolkit import applyPhi as applyPhiCPP
from spam.DIC.DICToolkit import binningChar, binningFloat, binningUInt
nProcessesDefault = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
# numpy.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True)
# Take an Phi and apply it (C++) to an image
def applyPhi(im, Phi=None, PhiCentre=None, interpolationOrder=1):
Deform a 3D image using a deformation function "Phi", applied using spam's C++ interpolator.
Only interpolation order = 1 is implemented.
im : 3D numpy array
3D numpy array of grey levels to be deformed
Phi : 4x4 array, optional
"Phi" deformation function.
Highly recommended additional argument (why are you calling this function otherwise?)
PhiCentre : 3x1 array of floats, optional
Centre of application of Phi.
Default = (numpy.array(im1.shape)-1)/2.0
i.e., the centre of the image
interpolationOrder : int, optional
Order of image interpolation to use, options are either 0 (strict nearest neighbour) or 1 (trilinear interpolation)
Default = 1
imDef : 3D array
Deformed greyscales by Phi
# Detect 2D images, and bail, doesn't work with our interpolator
if len(im.shape) == 2 or (numpy.array(im.shape) == 1).any():
print("DIC.deformationFunction.applyPhi(): looks like a 2D image which cannot be handled. Please use DIC.deformationFunction.applyPhiPython")
# Sort out Phi and calculate inverse
if Phi is None:
PhiInv = numpy.eye(4, dtype="<f4")
PhiInv = numpy.linalg.inv(Phi).astype("<f4")
except numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
# print( "\tapplyPhi(): Can't inverse Phi, setting it to identity matrix. Phi is:\n{}".format( Phi ) )
PhiInv = numpy.eye(4, dtype="<f4")
if PhiCentre is None:
PhiCentre = (numpy.array(im.shape) - 1) / 2.0
if interpolationOrder > 1:
print("DIC.deformationFunction.applyPhi(): interpolation Order > 1 not implemented")
im = im.astype("<f4")
PhiCentre = numpy.array(PhiCentre).astype("<f4")
# We need to inverse Phi for question of direction
imDef = numpy.zeros_like(im, dtype="<f4")
return imDef
# Take an Phi and apply it to an image
def applyPhiPython(im, Phi=None, PhiCentre=None, interpolationOrder=3):
Deform a 3D image using a deformation function "Phi", applied using scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates
Can have orders > 1 but is hungry in memory.
im : 2D/3D numpy array
2D/3D numpy array of grey levels to be deformed
Phi : 4x4 array, optional
"Phi" linear deformation function.
Highly recommended additional argument (why are you calling this function otherwise?)
PhiCentre : 3x1 array of floats, optional
Centre of application of Phi.
Default = (numpy.array(im1.shape)-1)/2.0
i.e., the centre of the image
interpolationOrder : int, optional
Order of image interpolation to use. This value is passed directly to ``scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates`` as "order".
Default = 3
imSub : 3D array
Deformed greyscales by Phi
if Phi is None:
PhiInv = numpy.eye(4, dtype="<f4")
PhiInv = numpy.linalg.inv(Phi).astype("<f4")
except numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
# print( "\tapplyPhiPython(): Can't inverse Phi, setting it to identity matrix. Phi is:\n{}".format( Phi ) )
PhiInv = numpy.eye(4)
if im.ndim == 2:
twoD = True
im = im[numpy.newaxis, ...]
twoD = False
if PhiCentre is None:
PhiCentre = (numpy.array(im.shape) - 1) / 2.0
imDef = numpy.zeros_like(im, dtype="<f4")
coordinatesInitial = numpy.ones((4, im.shape[0] * im.shape[1] * im.shape[2]), dtype="<f4")
coordinates_mgrid = numpy.mgrid[0 : im.shape[0], 0 : im.shape[1], 0 : im.shape[2]]
# Copy into coordinatesInitial
coordinatesInitial[0, :] = coordinates_mgrid[0].ravel() - PhiCentre[0]
coordinatesInitial[1, :] = coordinates_mgrid[1].ravel() - PhiCentre[1]
coordinatesInitial[2, :] = coordinates_mgrid[2].ravel() - PhiCentre[2]
# Apply Phi to coordinates
coordinatesDef = numpy.dot(PhiInv, coordinatesInitial)
coordinatesDef[0, :] += PhiCentre[0]
coordinatesDef[1, :] += PhiCentre[1]
coordinatesDef[2, :] += PhiCentre[2]
imDef += scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(im, coordinatesDef[0:3], order=interpolationOrder).reshape(imDef.shape).astype("<f4")
if twoD:
imDef = imDef[0]
return imDef
# Take a field of Phi and apply it (quite slowly) to an image
def applyPhiField(
Deform a 3D image using a field of deformation functions "Phi" coming from a regularGrid,
applied using scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates.
im : 3D array
3D array of grey levels to be deformed
fieldCoordsRef: 2D array, optional
nx3 array of n points coordinates (ZYX)
centre where each deformation function "Phi" has been calculated
PhiField: 3D array, optional
nx4x4 array of n points deformation functions
imMaskDef: 3D array of bools, optional
which should be True in the pixels to fill in in the deformed configuration.
Default = None
displacementMode : string, optional
How do you want to calculate displacements?
With "interpolate" they are just interpolated from the PhiField
With "applyPhi" each neighbour's Phi function is applied to the pixel position
and the resulting translations weighted and summed.
Default = "applyPhi"
nNeighbours : int, optional
Number of the nearest neighbours to consider
#This OR neighbourRadius must be set.
Default = 8
interpolationOrder : int, optional
Order of image interpolation to use. This value is passed directly to ``scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates`` as "order".
Default = 1
nProcesses : integer, optional
Number of processes for multiprocessing
Default = number of CPUs in the system
verbose : boolean, optional
Print progress?
Default = True
imDef : 3D array
deformed greylevels by a field of deformation functions "Phi"
import progressbar
import spam.deformation
import spam.DIC
tol = 1e-6 # OS is responsible for the validity of this magic number
# print("making pixel grid")
if imMaskDef is not None:
# print("...from a passed mask, cool, this should shave time")
pixCoordsDef = numpy.array(numpy.where(imMaskDef)).T
# Create the grid of the input image
imSize = im.shape
coordinates_mgrid = numpy.mgrid[0 : imSize[0], 0 : imSize[1], 0 : imSize[2]]
pixCoordsDef = numpy.ones((imSize[0] * imSize[1] * imSize[2], 3))
pixCoordsDef[:, 0] = coordinates_mgrid[0].ravel()
pixCoordsDef[:, 1] = coordinates_mgrid[1].ravel()
pixCoordsDef[:, 2] = coordinates_mgrid[2].ravel()
# print(pixCoordsDef.shape)
# Initialise deformed coordinates
fieldCoordsDef = fieldCoordsRef + PhiField[:, 0:3, -1]
# print("done")
maskPhiField = numpy.isfinite(PhiField[:, 0, 0])
if displacementMode == "interpolate":
In this mode we're only taking into account displacements.
We use interpolatePhiField in the deformed configuration, in displacements only,
and we don't feed PhiInv, but only the negative of the displacements
backwardsDisplacementsPhi = numpy.zeros_like(PhiField)
backwardsDisplacementsPhi[:, 0:3, -1] = -1 * PhiField[:, 0:3, -1]
pixDispsDef = spam.DIC.interpolatePhiField(
pixCoordsRef = pixCoordsDef + pixDispsDef[:, 0:3, -1]
elif displacementMode == "applyPhi":
In this mode we're NOT interpolating the displacement field.
For each pixel, we're applying the neighbouring Phis and looking
at the resulting displacement of the pixel.
Those different displacements are weighted as a function of distance
and averaged into the point's final displacement.
Obviously if your PhiField is only a displacement field, this changes
nothing from above (except for computation time), but with some stretches
this can become interesting.
# print("inversing PhiField")
PhiFieldInv = numpy.zeros_like(PhiField)
for n in range(PhiField.shape[0]):
PhiFieldInv[n] = numpy.linalg.inv(PhiField[n])
except numpy.linalg.LinAlgError:
maskPhiField[n] = False
# print("done")
# mask everything
PhiFieldInvMasked = PhiFieldInv[maskPhiField]
fieldCoordsRefMasked = fieldCoordsRef[maskPhiField]
fieldCoordsDefMasked = fieldCoordsDef[maskPhiField]
# build KD-tree
treeCoordDef = scipy.spatial.KDTree(fieldCoordsDefMasked)
pixCoordsRef = numpy.zeros_like(pixCoordsDef, dtype="f4")
Define multiproc function only for displacementMode == "applyPhi"
global computeDisplacementForSeriesOfPixels
def computeDisplacementForSeriesOfPixels(seriesNumber):
pixelNumbers = splitPixNumbers[seriesNumber]
pixCoordsRefSeries = numpy.zeros((len(pixelNumbers), 3), dtype="f4")
# all jobs should take the same time, so just show progress bar in 0th process
if seriesNumber == 0 and verbose:
pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=len(pixelNumbers)).start()
for localPixelNumber, globalPixelNumber in enumerate(pixelNumbers):
if seriesNumber == 0 and verbose:
pixCoordDef = pixCoordsDef[globalPixelNumber]
# get nNeighbours and compute distance weights
distances, indices = treeCoordDef.query(pixCoordDef, k=nNeighbours)
weights = 1 / (distances + tol)
displacement = numpy.zeros(3, dtype="float")
# for each neighbour
for neighbour, index in enumerate(indices):
# apply PhiInv to current point with PhiCentre = fieldCoordsREF <- this is important
# -> this gives a displacement for each neighbour
PhiInv = PhiFieldInvMasked[index]
# print("PhiInv", PhiInv)
translationTmp = PhiInv[0:3, -1].copy()
dist = pixCoordDef - fieldCoordsRefMasked[index]
# print(f"dist = {dist}")
translationTmp -= dist - numpy.dot(PhiInv[0:3, 0:3], dist)
# print(f"translationTmp ({neighbour}): {translationTmp} (weight = {weights[neighbour]})")
displacement += translationTmp * weights[neighbour]
# compute resulting displacement as weights * displacements
# compute pixel coordinates in reference config
# print("pixCoordDef", pixCoordDef)
# print("displacement", displacement)
pixCoordsRefSeries[localPixelNumber] = pixCoordDef + displacement / weights.sum()
if seriesNumber == 0 and verbose:
return pixelNumbers, pixCoordsRefSeries
# pixCoordsRef[pixNumber] = pixCoordDef + numpy.sum(displacements*weights[:, numpy.newaxis], axis=0)
splitPixNumbers = numpy.array_split(numpy.arange(pixCoordsDef.shape[0]), nProcesses)
# Run multiprocessing filling in FfieldFlatGood, which will then update FfieldFlat
with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=nProcesses) as pool:
for returns in pool.imap_unordered(computeDisplacementForSeriesOfPixels, range(nProcesses)):
pixCoordsRef[returns[0]] = returns[1]
if imMaskDef is not None:
imDef = numpy.zeros_like(im)
imDef[imMaskDef] = scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(im, pixCoordsRef.T, mode="constant", order=interpolationOrder)
else: # no pixel mask, image comes out directly
imDef = scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(im, pixCoordsRef.T, mode="constant", order=interpolationOrder).reshape(im.shape)
return imDef
def binning(im, binning, returnCropAndCentre=False):
This function downscales images by averaging NxNxN voxels together in 3D and NxN pixels in 2D.
This is useful for reducing data volumes, and denoising data (due to averaging procedure).
im : 2D/3D numpy array
Input measurement field
binning : int
The number of pixels/voxels to average together
returnCropAndCentre: bool (optional)
Return the position of the centre of the binned image
in the coordinates of the original image, and the crop
Default = False
imBin : 2/3D numpy array
`binning`-binned array
(otherwise if returnCropAndCentre): list containing:
topCrop, bottomCrop
centre of imBin in im coordinates (useful for re-stitching)
Here we will only bin pixels/voxels if they is a sufficient number of
neighbours to perform the binning. This means that the number of pixels that
will be rejected is the dimensions of the image, modulo the binning amount.
The returned volume is computed with only fully binned voxels, meaning that some voxels on the edges
may be excluded.
This means that the output volume size is the input volume size / binning or less (in fact the crop
in the input volume is the input volume size % binning
twoD = False
if im.dtype == "f8":
im = im.astype("<f4")
binning = int(binning)
# print("binning = ", binning)
dimsOrig = numpy.array(im.shape)
# print("dimsOrig = ", dimsOrig)
# Note: // is a floor-divide
imBin = numpy.zeros(dimsOrig // binning, dtype=im.dtype)
# print("imBin.shape = ", imBin.shape)
# Calculate number of pixels to throw away
offset = dimsOrig % binning
# print("offset = ", offset)
# Take less off the top corner than the bottom corner
topCrop = offset // 2
# print("topCrop = ", topCrop)
topCrop = topCrop.astype("<i2")
if len(im.shape) == 2:
# pad them
im = im[numpy.newaxis, ...]
imBin = imBin[numpy.newaxis, ...]
topCrop = numpy.array([0, topCrop[0], topCrop[1]]).astype("<i2")
offset = numpy.array([0, offset[0], offset[1]]).astype("<i2")
twoD = True
# Call C++
if im.dtype == "f4":
# print("Float binning")
binningFloat(im.astype("<f4"), imBin, topCrop.astype("<i4"), int(binning))
elif im.dtype == "u2":
# print("Uint 2 binning")
binningUInt(im.astype("<u2"), imBin, topCrop.astype("<i4"), int(binning))
elif im.dtype == "u1":
# print("Char binning")
binningChar(im.astype("<u1"), imBin, topCrop.astype("<i4"), int(binning))
if twoD:
imBin = imBin[0]
if returnCropAndCentre:
centreBinned = (numpy.array(imBin.shape) - 1) / 2.0
relCentOrig = offset + binning * centreBinned
return [imBin, [topCrop, offset - topCrop], relCentOrig]
return imBin
# Take a tetrahedral mesh (defined by coords and conn) and use
# it to deform an image