Source code for spam.DIC.ddic

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (C) 2020 SPAM Contributors
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program.  If not, see <>.

import multiprocessing
import os

import numpy
import progressbar
import spam.deformation
import spam.DIC
import spam.helpers

os.environ["OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"

[docs] def ddic( im1, im2, lab1, labelsToCorrelate=None, PhiField=None, boundingBoxes=None, centresOfMass=None, processes=None, labelDilate=1, margin=5, maskOthers=True, volThreshold=100, multiScaleBin=1, updateGrad=False, correlateRigid=True, maxIter=50, deltaPhiMin=0.001, interpolationOrder=1, debug=False, twoD=False, ): numberOfLabels = lab1.max() if labelsToCorrelate is None: labelsToCorrelate = numpy.arange(1, numberOfLabels) if PhiField is None: PhiField = numpy.zeros([numberOfLabels, 4, 4]) for i in range(numberOfLabels): PhiField[i] = numpy.eye(4) if boundingBoxes is None: boundingBoxes = spam.label.boundingBoxes(lab1) if centresOfMass is None: centresOfMass = spam.label.centresOfMass(lab1) if processes is None: processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if debug: print("spam.DIC.ddic(): I was passed debug=True, so setting #processes to 1") processes = 1 numberOfLabels = (lab1.max() + 1).astype("u4") PSCC = numpy.zeros((numberOfLabels), dtype="<f4") error = numpy.zeros((numberOfLabels), dtype="<f4") iterations = numpy.zeros((numberOfLabels), dtype="<u2") returnStatus = numpy.zeros((numberOfLabels), dtype="<i2") deltaPhiNorm = numpy.zeros((numberOfLabels), dtype="<f4") labelDilateList = numpy.zeros((numberOfLabels), dtype="<u2") global _correlateOneLabel def _correlateOneLabel(label): # label, labelDilateCurrent = q.get() # WARNING HACK BAD FIXME labelDilateCurrent = labelDilate initialDisplacement = numpy.round(PhiField[label][0:3, 3]).astype(int) if debug: print("\n\n\nWorking on label:", label, "\n") if debug: print("Position (ZYX):", centresOfMass[label]) imagetteReturns = spam.label.getImagettesLabelled( lab1, label, PhiField[label], im1, im2, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], # Search range, don't worry about it boundingBoxes, centresOfMass, margin=margin, labelDilate=labelDilateCurrent, maskOtherLabels=maskOthers, applyF="no", volumeThreshold=volThreshold, ) if twoD: imagetteReturns["imagette1"] = imagetteReturns["imagette1"][int(imagetteReturns["imagette1"].shape[0] - 1) // 2, :, :] imagetteReturns["imagette2"] = imagetteReturns["imagette2"][int(imagetteReturns["imagette2"].shape[0] - 1) // 2, :, :] imagetteReturns["imagette1mask"] = imagetteReturns["imagette1mask"][int(imagetteReturns["imagette1mask"].shape[0] - 1) // 2, :, :] badPhi = numpy.eye(4) badPhi[0:3, 3] = numpy.nan # In case the label is missing or the Phi is duff if imagetteReturns["returnStatus"] != 1 or not numpy.all(numpy.isfinite(PhiField[label])): return label, badPhi, -7, numpy.inf, 0, numpy.inf, labelDilateCurrent else: # Remove int() part of displacement since it's already used to extract imagette2 PhiTemp = PhiField[label].copy() PhiTemp[0:3, -1] -= initialDisplacement if debug: print("Starting lk iterations with Phi - int(disp):\n", PhiTemp) if debug: print("\nStarting lk iterations with int(disp):\n", initialDisplacement) registerReturns = spam.DIC.registerMultiscale( imagetteReturns["imagette1"], imagetteReturns["imagette2"], multiScaleBin, im1mask=imagetteReturns["imagette1mask"], margin=1, PhiInit=PhiTemp, PhiRigid=correlateRigid, updateGradient=updateGrad, maxIterations=maxIter, deltaPhiMin=deltaPhiMin, interpolationOrder=interpolationOrder, verbose=debug, imShowProgress=debug, ) goodPhi = registerReturns["Phi"] goodPhi[0:3, -1] += initialDisplacement return ( label, goodPhi, registerReturns["returnStatus"], registerReturns["error"], registerReturns["iterations"], registerReturns["deltaPhiNorm"], labelDilateCurrent, ) print("\n\tStarting Discrete DIC (with {} process{})".format(processes, "es" if processes > 1 else "")) widgets = [ progressbar.FormatLabel(""), " ", progressbar.Bar(), " ", progressbar.AdaptiveETA(), ] pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=len(labelsToCorrelate)) pbar.start() finishedLabels = 0 with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=processes) as pool: for returns in pool.imap_unordered(_correlateOneLabel, labelsToCorrelate): finishedLabels += 1 # Update progres bar if point is not skipped if returns[2] > 0: widgets[0] = progressbar.FormatLabel(" it={:0>3d} dPhiNorm={:0>6.4f} rs={:+1d} ".format(returns[4], returns[5], returns[2])) pbar.update(finishedLabels) label = returns[0] PhiField[label] = returns[1] returnStatus[label] = returns[2] error[label] = returns[3] iterations[label] = returns[4] deltaPhiNorm[label] = returns[5] labelDilateList[label] = returns[6] pbar.finish() print("\n") return PhiField, returnStatus, error, iterations, deltaPhiNorm, labelDilateList, PSCC